If you're just flashing a MCX354A-QCBT (649281-B21 on ebay) to a MCX354A-FCBT (full 40gbE enabled), you don't need to compile a firmware image - you can just flash the premade latest MCX354A-FCBT image from their site - this is nice because the latest firmware sources available for compiling are actually quite old.
When you use the firmware sources with the stock unedited FCBT ini file to compile a new image, this is all you're generating anyway. Except the pre-generated images on mellanox's site have been compiled with much newer firmware sources
from my notes:
##Download latest Mellanox Firmware tools and install them + dependencies:
wget http://www.mellanox.com/downloads/MFT/mft-4.10.0-104-x86_64-deb.tgz
tar -xvf mft-4.10.0-104-x86_64-deb.tgz
cd mft-4.10.0-104-x86_64-deb/
apt-get install gcc make dkms unzip
apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
#Start MST service:
mst start
mst status
#copy the dev address with cr0 in it, like:
#Use that address in the following commands
#Download latest FCBT firmware and unzip:
wget http://www.mellanox.com/downloads/firmware/fw-ConnectX3-rel-2_42_5000-MCX354A-FCB_A2-A5-FlexBoot-3.4.752.bin.zip
unzip fw-ConnectX3-rel-2_42_5000-MCX354A-FCB_A2-A5-FlexBoot-3.4.752.bin.zip
#Backup the cards current board definition file just in case
flint -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 dc orig_firmware.ini
#Flash the FCBT image to the card
flint -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 -i fw-ConnectX3-rel-2_42_5000-MCX354A-FCB_A2-A5-FlexBoot-3.4.752.bin -allow_psid_change burn
Cold boot the server when done
Some useful config commands to config the card when it comes back up:
#start mst service again
mst start
#get detailed firmware info
mlxfwmanager --query
#get the device ID again:
mst status
#use it to see the cards current configuration:
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 query
use it in config commands to configure the card
#for instance, to turn both ports from VPI/Auto to Ethernet only:
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 set LINK_TYPE_P1=2 LINK_TYPE_P2=2
#turn off bootrom crap
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 set BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P1=false
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 set BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P2=false
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 set LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P1=0
mlxconfig -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 set LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P2=0
##optional: delete bootrom off the card, so it doesn't slow down boot by popping up crap
##this is safe to do and supported by mellanox
flint -d /dev/mst/mt4099_pci_cr0 --allow_rom_change drom