CSE-847 Fan Noise Woes.

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New Member
Jan 10, 2021
Finished my upgrade to a CSE-847 thinking I could throw all my disks into one unit, use one MB, and max the ram and be in media storage heaven. Well, I didn't think things though, filled the unit up, turned it on and found the fans screaming their way into my ears. I've tried various experiments with fan controllers to reduce speed, trying to use IPMI control on my X9 MB (Supermicro X9SRH-7F IPMI wont support the scripts that have been released, its a complete failure), swapping the fan wall to 120mm noctuas that I already had, but nothing seems to work. I thought about switching to the quieter FAN-0074L4 but don't want to replace all 7 fans just to find out they reduction and cooling capability isn't much better.

I stumbled across the post

And thought about trying the Delta AFB1212SHE fans, in a 5 fan wall using the chenbro wall bracket (the bracket is difficult for me to find) but I wanted to be sure that I could keep the rear 12 disks cool in the process.

Share your cooling woes with me, I need help!


New Member
Apr 7, 2020

I just bought a CSE-847 as well and I have the same luxury problem as you. I am currently looking for a solution as well. I am not someone that modifies pc internals all the time, so MacGyvering the fanwall is going to be challenging for me to say the least. If all attempts fail, I will look for a rack enclosure with a window (in stead of mesh door) and try to apply sound absorbing panels near the rack.

I am located in Europe, so I have no idea (yet - I just found this thread) if these fans are available here (without ludicrous import fines). I will update here if I make progress.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2015
As a data point, in my modded 846 disk shelves, which run 3x Delta AFB1212SHE (using a modded Norco fan wall), at ~1400rpm, with the disk shelf completely filled (24x HGST 7200rpm 8TB SAS drives), the disk temps are ~35C at idle and ~40C on a rebuild (which is the max it will ever go).

The rebuild basically thrashes all 24 disks at the same time for hours and hours. They still stay ~40C, which is perfectly fine.


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
what do your cpu temps look like during the rebuild, and normally? in the 847 at least, the CPUs are passively cooled which, I understand, requires enough airflow and static pressure to drive air through the heatsinks. HDD temps are one thing, CPU and MEMORY temps are another... ?? Looking to replace my fans as well, even though they sit at around 3000 RPM all the time in "optimal" fan speed setting, it's still pretty loud for my liking. thanks in advance for the info!


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
ohh sorry just read the other thread - you went active cooling. what WERE your temps before going active?


Active Member
Apr 27, 2013
I ran my 846 with Noctua industrial fans for quite some years.. That worked quite decently. It was their 3k rpm (i think) model i got.. it spun up good when under heavy load, but nothing compared to what your used to now.

Edit: One thing though.. have you got an SQ psu? - cause that is a must on these chassies