Even with planning for a Godlike build, it was always going to be a prod-oriented system. I do my limited gaming on the PS5 and haven't really cared for PC-based games since....Unreal/Hexen/Quake/Doom. The Godlike/SAGE build is for astrophotography (Adobe Lightroom, etc), home security cams/storage, and minesweeper. The SAGE will give me untold amounts of headroom that i'll never be able to utilize, but that's not the point. Why do ppl climb mountains? Because they're there...
BTW, one IS greatly tempted and would DM you yesterday, but one unfortunately cannot pull any triggers until Xmas time
For even more scope-creep fun, I've been exploring the options of using the SAGE as the basis for my NAS build, because eff it
It just never stops...
BTW, one IS greatly tempted and would DM you yesterday, but one unfortunately cannot pull any triggers until Xmas time
For even more scope-creep fun, I've been exploring the options of using the SAGE as the basis for my NAS build, because eff it
It just never stops...