I created this site to assist in finding older firmware versions, and even potentially newer firmware versions, which are not publicly listed on Supermicro product pages, and often will not be provided by Supermicro support unless your product is still under warranty. This website will check for new files uploaded to Supermicro's archive hourly, the general idea is the same as BlueFox's version, with a few new features and quality of life additions.
Initial Improvements:
Archival Link: Supermicro Download Archive
Initial Improvements:
- Automated checks for new downloads every hour.
- File size in included in the table.
- A file tree is available for .zip extensions. (hover over the info icon)
- MD5 and SHA-256 hashes for each file. (hover over the info icon)
- Duplicate file checking and aggregation via hashes.
Archival Link: Supermicro Download Archive
56.6 KB Views: 4
54.7 KB Views: 4
46.2 KB Views: 2