if anywone is looking for the root user password: "lvl7dbg" (without the quotes), which is also the "drop to shell" diagnostics password
From what I can see it might only work via telnet (not ssh). so I think you would need telnet enabled for this to work.
Extra 1: LB6M seems to share the same CPU board as LB4M (at least in the firmware that's what's written) LVL7 DNI8541 CPU Card ( or LVL7 LB4M CPU Card in later versions)
Extra 2: web interface files seem to be in the firmware. just need to know how to start the web app
(maybe "ip http server 80", "ip http java", "ip http session maxsessions <int>", "ip http authentication local" )
Extra 3: seems the switch can do some BGP ( at lease it is compiled in the firmware ), but it seems that it's an option ( FASTPATH BGP-4 ), more options:FASTPATH QOS,FASTPATH Multicast,FASTPATH IPv6,FASTPATH IPv6 Management,FASTPATH Wireless,FASTPATH Stacking,FASTPATH Metro
so maybe Stacking can be also done. will need my switch to find out how
In 2 weeks I'll get my lb6m and think will have more by than