Yeah, this is surely why the counterfeit market is so strong !
The reason the counterfeit market is strong is because people are willing to buy and run fakes. If you application needs the real deal, you'll pay the (appropriate) real deal price.
At some point this is all going to get worse if Intel doesn't do something about the problem though. If R&D money is having to be recouped on less sales of legit cards, then the cost of each card's share of that R&D cost is going to increase, which will drive the price higher which will make fakes more enticing and then becomes its own feedback loop. There's a certain point where it's not worth making product any more because all you're doing is providing fakers with the plans for their products and your genuine ones don't sell.
Fakes are built on dishonesty and flat out theft--theft of ideas, theft of marketshare, theft of revenues. There's a certain point when you've been robbed you don't want to help others that rob people, but that only seems to come around when one themselves has been robbed. It's a sad state of affairs when everyone needs to be robbed to have the ethical stomach to not support robbers, but here we are in the 'modern miracle' of humanity.