Any particular reason why SR-IOV on Proxmox? At 1 Gbps any emulated NIC should be just as good and less trouble, like finding a card which supports it on your motherboard.
Cards look okay and good quality. Chinese copy, clone or not, why not buy n+1 so you have a spare. And be done in no time?
My background actually a retired Hardware Accelerated engineer. A noob one
IMO, in single node Proxmox should not be a problem. But in clustered VM nodes / servers.
SR-IOV : Hardware Accelerated.
Proxmox VE : Software Accelerated.
INFO : HA - Hardware Accelerator, physically exist in shape of circuit + maybe firmware. Nowadays HA(hardware accelerated) circuit are built in an integrated FPGA module (SoC) such as in Oscilloscope, etc. where updating the firmware will give the manufacturer the opportunity in updating the new logical circuit itself. not just software. But AFAIK in I350 SR-IOV is not built in FPGA. Just physical circuit and firmware.
HA should significantly relieves CPU utilization and overhead in managing Proxmox virtual network brigde (vmbr0, etc). I never actually compared the actual result for SR-IOV since this is my 1st mini data center (haha. more to homelab).
VF - Virtual Function, resources sharing (Proxmox VE or VMWare)
PF - Physical Function, resources sharing (SR-IOV, direct resource access between cluster nodes through NIC PCIe)
Regardless at which level the traffic / bandwidth. Main objective is to pass the virtualization job to the SR-IOV in I350 chipset bypassing HyperVisor kernel and reduce CPU overhead.
Still in Networking and Server System I'm totally a beginner. Please correct me if I'm wrong.