
  1. D

    GIGABYTE EL-20 Debian 8.5 Minimal Server install guide

    Hi Guys, As you might know, Debian 8.5 isn't officially supported on Intel's Bear Ridge platform. However, with a customer here in Asia, we've got everything up and running on our boxes and I think this might help some of you out there who are stuck in with a similar challenge. Sorry for the...
  2. D

    Personal Introduction Thread

    Hi guys, I'm Dennis from GIGABYTE's "server" team, officially we're the "NCBU" - Networking and Communications Business Unit, and basically we handle the B2B side of business (that's why we have a different website than the consumer stuff from gigabyte: GIGABYTE B2B Service - Server...
  3. Patrick

    Reference Material Gigabyte IPMI Default Login and Password

    When logging into a Gigabyte IPMI interface on one of their server motherboards, one is prompted for a login (username) and password. On modern Gigabyte IPMI interfaces the default login/ password is: Login: admin Password: password Here is what the login screen looks like: The management...