STH xmrig Monero Mining Docker Image

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
rewritten to generate output regardless of the number of docker numa images you kick off

miner@monerominer2:~$ cat
result=`docker ps -q | wc -l`
while [ "$i" -le "$result" ]
echo "miner numa $i speed"
docker logs minernuma$i | tail -8 | grep speed >> /tmp/minernuma$i.tmp
tail -1 /tmp/minernuma$i.tmp
rm /tmp/minernuma$i.tmp
i=$(($i + 1))

AMD box
miner@monerominer2:~$ ./
miner numa 1 speed
[2017-10-17 18:01:41] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 192.8 192.9 192.7 H/s max: 340.5 H/s
miner numa 2 speed
[2017-10-17 18:01:44] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 193.3 195.3 194.1 H/s max: 336.0 H/s
miner numa 3 speed
[2017-10-17 18:01:46] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 192.8 193.1 193.6 H/s max: 340.4 H/s
miner numa 4 speed
[2017-10-17 18:00:56] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 200.5 198.8 198.1 H/s max: 342.5 H/s

Dell R710
miner@monerominer1:~$ ./
miner numa 1 speed
[2017-10-17 18:02:30] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 204.0 202.9 202.7 H/s max: 242.1 H/s
miner numa 2 speed
[2017-10-17 18:02:31] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 202.5 203.5 202.0 H/s max: 241.3 H/s
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Reactions: Patrick and Marsh


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
revised the speed script further to make it name agnostic. If you can't tell I am sort of OCD sometimes...
list=`docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'`
for word in $list
   echo $word" :"
   echo `docker logs $word | tail -8 | grep speed`
supportxmr4 :
[2017-10-17 20:40:22] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 200.6 198.4 200.3 H/s max: 340.0 H/s
minernuma3 :
[2017-10-17 20:40:15] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 198.3 199.9 201.5 H/s max: 341.3 H/s
minernuma2 :
[2017-10-17 20:40:14] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 193.7 195.5 193.3 H/s max: 242.8 H/s
minernuma1 :
[2017-10-17 20:40:12] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 198.5 198.9 196.2 H/s max: 203.4 H/s
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Reactions: Marsh and Patrick


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013


Now for something completely different. I wrote up a bash script for admin functions of our docker images I will add additional functions as I figure out how to bullet proof them.

here is version 1 of my script

miner@monerominer2:~$ ./ ?
usage : "etdocker command"

status -- list active docker containers

speed -- list hashrates of each docker container
give it 60 seconds to generate initial rates

stop -- stop all active docker containers

restart -- restart the last containers stopped by stop command

Give it a shot, let me know what you would like to see added or improved.


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Reactions: Marsh


Staff member
Dec 21, 2010
@jims2321 awesome:
$ bash speed
thirsty_kepler :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:22] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 466.2 466.1 465.9 H/s max: 466.9 H/s
vigorous_heyrovsky :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:22] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 465.2 465.3 465.6 H/s max: 466.7 H/s
admiring_jennings :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:21] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 465.0 465.2 465.4 H/s max: 466.2 H/s
distracted_goldwasser :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:21] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 465.3 465.5 465.6 H/s max: 466.1 H/s
confident_hermann :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:20] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 466.2 465.7 465.8 H/s max: 466.3 H/s
admiring_mccarthy :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:20] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 465.9 466.4 466.4 H/s max: 467.1 H/s
quirky_bose :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:19] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 467.5 467.6 467.8 H/s max: 468.5 H/s
serene_shannon :
 [2017-10-18 18:53:19] speed 2.5s/60s/15m 458.3 457.4 456.6 H/s max: 459.4 H/s
2x AMD EPYC 7451 = 3727H/s


Active Member
Mar 10, 2016
I'm the first to admit I'm a total noob at this crypto stuff...

I set up the Docker image, and it's running.. Well, it's using CPU and generating output in the logs anyway.. :)

How do I tell what it's doing, other than H/s metrics? Is there a way to know when it finds a coin, other than check the wallet once in a while?


Staff member
Dec 21, 2010
I'm the first to admit I'm a total noob at this crypto stuff...

I set up the Docker image, and it's running.. Well, it's using CPU and generating output in the logs anyway.. :)

How do I tell what it's doing, other than H/s metrics? Is there a way to know when it finds a coin, other than check the wallet once in a while?
Assuming you are using the dwarfpool default, just put your wallet in the page and that should give you stats.

And welcome to the dark side.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2016
Assuming you are using the dwarfpool default, just put your wallet in the page and that should give you stats.

And welcome to the dark side.

Thanks! And thanks for the image. I'd been meaning to try Docker anyway, and this gave it something to do with itself, and with hardware I already have. I'm running a whole 0.60 khs, but whatever. I'll let it go for a bit and see what power use does. If nothing else, it's an interesting thing to mess with.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2015
I just got started with the whole Monero thing, so a couple of "newb" questions:

1. I'm currently using Patrick's minergate Docker image to CPU mine with 2x2667v2s. Does the xmrig tend to offer better performance? I'm currently at ~970H/s as reported by Minergate dash; when I first started it was bumping around between 250 and 1.3K, but it seems to have settled down now. PVE also shows ~80% CPU utilization so there's probably room for improvement.

2. There are other things I want the server to do from time to time; is this docker image automatically configured to be low on the CPU priority list?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2012
@Joel xmrig is faster. There's a thread on starting one on each CPU in dual cpu systems which had a big impact for many of us. NUMA node is a good search term.

Docker makes it easy to do CPU prioritization Limit a container’s resources

Most of us are putting xmrig on each NUMA node and using cpuset-cpus to target specific cores. You can just pass docker flags at runtime and achieve more control. I'd expect a 10% or more bump in speeds.


Aug 8, 2016
I just started using the servethehome/monero_xmrig docker image for dwarfpool. (I have portainer running to watch it via GUI)

It appears to be working but dwarfpool reports 0.44 khs on their webpage.

the log reports
20:46:42] [01;37mspeed[0m 2.5s/60s/15m [01;36m324.3 [22;36m323.5 323.5 [01;36mH/s[0m max: [01;36m325.0 H/s[0m

Monero performance guide says 2x E5-2680 v3 - 969 H/s

I invoked the docker image with
$docker run -itd -e username=walletaddress.worker2 -e password=emailaddress servethehome/monero_xmri g

couple of questions
1. how do I harness both cpus and cores with optimal threads/cache usage
2. is there a shell command to look at hashrates for each docker image running?



New Member
May 6, 2017
Hey guys,
are there any important things to know about windows and numa nodes? I had a look into task manager and noticed this test-system offers 8 different numa nodes (2 sockets, 16/32 threads each processor; 32/64 threads in total).

Test scenario:
1.) Starting cores 0,2,4,6 (numa node 1) results in ~ 62 hashes/core
2.) Starting cores 16,18,20,22 (numa node 3) results in ~ 62 hashes/core
3.) Starting cores 32,34,36,38 (numa node 5) results in ~ 62 hashes/core
4.) Starting cores 48,50,52,54 (numa node 7) results in ~ 62 hashes/core

So far, everything is fine! However, as you have noticed, there are big "gaps". I don't use numa nodes 2,4,6,8.

The reason therefore is following:

Test scenario
1.) Starting cores 8,10,12,14 (numa node 2) results in:
- numa node 1: 31 hashes/core
- numa node 2: 33 hashes/core
- numa node 3: 38 hashes/core
- numa node 5: 60 hashes/core
- numa node 7: 60 hashes/core

now, the interesting test:

2.) Starting additionally cores 24,26,28,30 (numa node 4) results in:
- numa node 1: 0 hashes N/A
- numa node 2: 12 hashes
- numa node 3: 0 hashes N/A
- numa node 4: 0 hashes N/A
- numa node 5: 59 hashes/core
- numa node 7: 59 hashes/core

This is how task manager looks at this point:


The system is very laggy at this moment... I didn't even try to apply multithreading... i wanted to start testing carefully and only use real cores... however, at this stage of testing, i have to abort because the system is becoming laggy... I tried to start the remaining cores but this makes it even worse!

Here is how numa nodes look at this point:


So, obviously, I'm doing something wrong? I would appreciate any hint or tip! Have I misunderstood something regarding numa nodes? My thoughts are to run 8x xmr-stak-cpus, each assigned with 4 cores at the beginning. Later, I would like to expand it to 8x xmr-stak-cpus each assigned with 8 threads (4 physical cores, 4 logical cores). But this doesn't work at all!

I appreciate all your help! Thanks for reading!
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Active Member
Jan 20, 2015
@Scampicfx You want 8 different stak xmr instances.

Windows does its own enumeration so it's a pain. every other core on 8 instances 1 per numa node should be working. I would try all 0+even and then try all odd.


New Member
May 6, 2017
Dear KioskAdmin,
thanks for your input. But basically, I tried this already... :/


1.) Starting physical cores 0,2,4,6 in instance 1 => 40 hashes/core (numa node 1)
2.) Starting logical cores 1,3,5,7 in instance 2 => 40 hashes/core (numa node 1)
this means, all cores of numa node 1 are running
3. Starting physical cores 8,10,12,14 in instance 3 (numa node 2) => 23 hashes/core; also, all cores of numa node 1 are dropping to 20 hashes/core
5. Starting logical cores 9,11,13,15 in instance 4 (numa node 2) => all 4 running instances => 0 hashes/core

Let's do another test:

1.) Starting all physical and logical cores of numa node 1 (core 0-7) -> 38 hashes/core (it's not ~60 hashes since odd core numbers are multithreading ones)
2.) Additionally, starting all physical and logical cores of numa node 2 (core 8-15) -> this results in all cores of numa node 1 and 2 dropping to 0 hashes / N/A

So, I guess your solution is to switch to linux, right? ;) Why is Windows so complicated in this point? I saw how Patrick did some guides regarding docker using lscpu to show numa nodes comfortably :) I would like to have this command for Windows as well, because as it seems, I may not rely on taskmanager?

This is the output of coreinfo.exe:

Maximum implemented CPUID leaves: 0000000D (Basic), 8000001E (Extended).

Logical to Physical Processor Map:
**--------------------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 0 (Hyperthreaded)
--**------------------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 1 (Hyperthreaded)
----**----------------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 2 (Hyperthreaded)
------**--------------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 3 (Hyperthreaded)
--------**------------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 4 (Hyperthreaded)
----------**----------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 5 (Hyperthreaded)
------------**--------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 6 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------**------------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 7 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------**----------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 8 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------**--------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 9 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------**------------------------------------------  Physical Processor 10 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------**----------------------------------------  Physical Processor 11 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------**--------------------------------------  Physical Processor 12 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------**------------------------------------  Physical Processor 13 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------**----------------------------------  Physical Processor 14 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------**--------------------------------  Physical Processor 15 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------**------------------------------  Physical Processor 16 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------------**----------------------------  Physical Processor 17 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------------**--------------------------  Physical Processor 18 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------------**------------------------  Physical Processor 19 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------------------**----------------------  Physical Processor 20 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------------------**--------------------  Physical Processor 21 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------------------**------------------  Physical Processor 22 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------------------------**----------------  Physical Processor 23 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------------------------**--------------  Physical Processor 24 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------------------------**------------  Physical Processor 25 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------------------------------**----------  Physical Processor 26 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------------------------------**--------  Physical Processor 27 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------------------------------**------  Physical Processor 28 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------------------------------------------**----  Physical Processor 29 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------------------------------------------------**--  Physical Processor 30 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------------------------------------------------**  Physical Processor 31 (Hyperthreaded)

Logical Processor to Socket Map:
********************************--------------------------------  Socket 0
--------------------------------********************************  Socket 1

Logical Processor to NUMA Node Map:
********--------------------------------------------------------  NUMA Node 0
--------********------------------------------------------------  NUMA Node 1
----------------********----------------------------------------  NUMA Node 2
------------------------********--------------------------------  NUMA Node 3
--------------------------------********------------------------  NUMA Node 4
----------------------------------------********----------------  NUMA Node 5
------------------------------------------------********--------  NUMA Node 6
--------------------------------------------------------********  NUMA Node 7

Approximate Cross-NUMA Node Access Cost (relative to fastest):
     00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07
00: 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.9
01: 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2
02: 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.3
03: 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.7
04: 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.4
05: 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.3 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0
06: 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.3
07: 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2
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New Member
May 6, 2017
Logical Processor to Cache Map:
**--------------------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          0, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
**--------------------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   0, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
**--------------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       0, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
****------------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       1, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--**------------------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          1, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--**------------------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   1, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--**------------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       2, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----**----------------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          2, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----**----------------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   2, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----**----------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       3, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----****--------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       4, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
------**--------------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          3, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------**--------------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   3, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------**--------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       5, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------**------------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          4, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------**------------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   4, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------**------------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       6, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------****----------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       7, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
----------**----------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          5, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------**----------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   5, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------**----------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       8, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------**--------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          6, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------**--------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   6, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------**--------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache       9, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------****------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      10, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--------------**------------------------------------------------  Data Cache          7, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------**------------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   7, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------**------------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      11, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------**----------------------------------------------  Data Cache          8, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------**----------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   8, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------**----------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      12, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------****--------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      13, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
------------------**--------------------------------------------  Data Cache          9, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------**--------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache   9, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------**--------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      14, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------**------------------------------------------  Data Cache         10, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------**------------------------------------------  Instruction Cache  10, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------**------------------------------------------  Unified Cache      15, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------****----------------------------------------  Unified Cache      16, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
----------------------**----------------------------------------  Data Cache         11, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------**----------------------------------------  Instruction Cache  11, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------**----------------------------------------  Unified Cache      17, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------**--------------------------------------  Data Cache         12, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------**--------------------------------------  Instruction Cache  12, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------**--------------------------------------  Unified Cache      18, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------****------------------------------------  Unified Cache      19, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--------------------------**------------------------------------  Data Cache         13, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------**------------------------------------  Instruction Cache  13, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------**------------------------------------  Unified Cache      20, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------**----------------------------------  Data Cache         14, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------**----------------------------------  Instruction Cache  14, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------**----------------------------------  Unified Cache      21, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------****--------------------------------  Unified Cache      22, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
------------------------------**--------------------------------  Data Cache         15, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------**--------------------------------  Instruction Cache  15, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------**--------------------------------  Unified Cache      23, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------**------------------------------  Data Cache         16, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------**------------------------------  Instruction Cache  16, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------**------------------------------  Unified Cache      24, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------****----------------------------  Unified Cache      25, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
----------------------------------**----------------------------  Data Cache         17, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------**----------------------------  Instruction Cache  17, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------------**----------------------------  Unified Cache      26, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------**--------------------------  Data Cache         18, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------**--------------------------  Instruction Cache  18, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------------**--------------------------  Unified Cache      27, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------****------------------------  Unified Cache      28, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------**------------------------  Data Cache         19, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------**------------------------  Instruction Cache  19, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------**------------------------  Unified Cache      29, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------**----------------------  Data Cache         20, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------**----------------------  Instruction Cache  20, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------**----------------------  Unified Cache      30, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------****--------------------  Unified Cache      31, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------**--------------------  Data Cache         21, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------**--------------------  Instruction Cache  21, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------**--------------------  Unified Cache      32, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------**------------------  Data Cache         22, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------**------------------  Instruction Cache  22, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------**------------------  Unified Cache      33, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------****----------------  Unified Cache      34, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------**----------------  Data Cache         23, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------**----------------  Instruction Cache  23, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------**----------------  Unified Cache      35, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------**--------------  Data Cache         24, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------**--------------  Instruction Cache  24, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------**--------------  Unified Cache      36, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------****------------  Unified Cache      37, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------**------------  Data Cache         25, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------**------------  Instruction Cache  25, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------**------------  Unified Cache      38, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------**----------  Data Cache         26, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------**----------  Instruction Cache  26, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------**----------  Unified Cache      39, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------****--------  Unified Cache      40, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------**--------  Data Cache         27, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------**--------  Instruction Cache  27, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------**--------  Unified Cache      41, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------**------  Data Cache         28, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------**------  Instruction Cache  28, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------**------  Unified Cache      42, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------****----  Unified Cache      43, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------------**----  Data Cache         29, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------------**----  Instruction Cache  29, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
----------------------------------------------------------**----  Unified Cache      44, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------------**--  Data Cache         30, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------------**--  Instruction Cache  30, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------------**--  Unified Cache      45, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
------------------------------------------------------------****  Unified Cache      46, Level 3,    8 MB, Assoc  16, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------------**  Data Cache         31, Level 1,   32 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------------**  Instruction Cache  31, Level 1,   64 KB, Assoc   4, LineSize  64
--------------------------------------------------------------**  Unified Cache      47, Level 2,  512 KB, Assoc   8, LineSize  64

Logical Processor to Group Map:
****************************************************************  Group 0