I think many here will have seen that for the past few weeks I have been testing xmrig instead of Wolf's miner. You can check that thread for xmrig speeds and Monero Mining Performance for some Wolf's comparison data. Suffice to say that we are seeing some massive improvements with tying xmrig miners to NUMA nodes.
Out of that test, made a generic (with defaults) mining image for folks to use with Docker. This is a significant departure from our Wolf's based miners that were tied to specific pools.
Here is the xmrig launch line:
Key here is that $xmrpool and $startport are the pool and ports for the mining pool you wish to use. They default to Dwarfpool's US mirror on port 8100. The reason for this is that #1 - I like dwarfpool after mining a few hundred XMR using them. #2 Port 8100 gives me the fewest rejected shares over time with xmrig across configurations.
$username can be set as an environment variable and should have your wallet ID as well as any additional information. E.g. for Dwarfpool you may want to name your miner and thusly use -e username=walletID.minerName
Using dwarfpool you will want to set an e-mail address with a docker -e password=yourEmail variable.
If you want to see launch instructions: How-to Guide - How to start mining Monero in Docker
Edit: Set your donation level for the miner (STH takes 0) using a flag -e donate=X where X is the amount you want to donate so 2 = 2% and 4 = 4%
Out of that test, made a generic (with defaults) mining image for folks to use with Docker. This is a significant departure from our Wolf's based miners that were tied to specific pools.
Here is the xmrig launch line:
./xmrig -o stratum+tcp://$xmrpool:$startport -u $username -p $password -t $numthreads
$username can be set as an environment variable and should have your wallet ID as well as any additional information. E.g. for Dwarfpool you may want to name your miner and thusly use -e username=walletID.minerName
Using dwarfpool you will want to set an e-mail address with a docker -e password=yourEmail variable.
If you want to see launch instructions: How-to Guide - How to start mining Monero in Docker
Edit: Set your donation level for the miner (STH takes 0) using a flag -e donate=X where X is the amount you want to donate so 2 = 2% and 4 = 4%
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