My 2-port Mellanox ConnectX-2 NIC is running at a scary 72C. I have got a Norco 4u case with 6 Noctua 80mm fans. They are running at adaptive speeds. Nothing blowing air over the PCI cards, so that won't help.
I might build a bracket with magnets to hold some fans (maybe two 80mm) and one of those eBay PWM hubs to stick somewhere in the case (all fan ports in the case are taken atm).
Is this a normal operating temperature?
Are there other NICs that run cooler than this?
Otherwise I'm really considering doing 19g copper with Intel X540s and the Unifi managed switch that has 16 SFP+ ports (and then get copper transceivers for those, if supported).
I might build a bracket with magnets to hold some fans (maybe two 80mm) and one of those eBay PWM hubs to stick somewhere in the case (all fan ports in the case are taken atm).
Is this a normal operating temperature?
Are there other NICs that run cooler than this?
Otherwise I'm really considering doing 19g copper with Intel X540s and the Unifi managed switch that has 16 SFP+ ports (and then get copper transceivers for those, if supported).