So, I'm throwing this out there in hopes that someone else has fought this battle and won...
Updated my main PC Win7-64 to Win10-64 last weekend. Since then, my previously completely stable napp-it smb shares will not reconnect on reboot and I cannot access them again until I "net use * /d" all of them, reboot, and re-add them. I assumed it had something to do with my Win-10 upgrade, but jumping on my wife's laptop (it's also Win10), I get the same problems (to be fair, I think her laptop had been having issues with these shares for a while.
Running omnios 151032, and did a pkg update just now to see if a lack of update had anything to do with it, but seems not. Napp-in-one template and I think version 19.16?
typical error I get when clicking on a drive "an error occurred while reconnecting M: to \\192.168....\share Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use. The connection has not been restored.
Multiple shares out of the same server, mapped as different drive letters. I'm not doing anything weird like using different credentials for each drive map.
Can access everything no problem through an iphone on same network, so not really a napp-it problem. Just wondering if there's some weird SMB or DNS issues that napp-it/omnios might have with Windows10. This was rock solid on Win7. I've tried all the stupid "fixes" out there.... nothing works. I can ping the IP and the hostname.
Updated my main PC Win7-64 to Win10-64 last weekend. Since then, my previously completely stable napp-it smb shares will not reconnect on reboot and I cannot access them again until I "net use * /d" all of them, reboot, and re-add them. I assumed it had something to do with my Win-10 upgrade, but jumping on my wife's laptop (it's also Win10), I get the same problems (to be fair, I think her laptop had been having issues with these shares for a while.
Running omnios 151032, and did a pkg update just now to see if a lack of update had anything to do with it, but seems not. Napp-in-one template and I think version 19.16?
typical error I get when clicking on a drive "an error occurred while reconnecting M: to \\192.168....\share Microsoft Windows Network: The local device name is already in use. The connection has not been restored.
Multiple shares out of the same server, mapped as different drive letters. I'm not doing anything weird like using different credentials for each drive map.
Can access everything no problem through an iphone on same network, so not really a napp-it problem. Just wondering if there's some weird SMB or DNS issues that napp-it/omnios might have with Windows10. This was rock solid on Win7. I've tried all the stupid "fixes" out there.... nothing works. I can ping the IP and the hostname.