Hello guys,
Have you got the successful cooperation of the LB6M to get working in with the Hyper-V vmSwitch VLANs please?
My config and the initial test:
Two servers (I name them from now S1 and S2).
Two quantas (from now, I name them Q1 and Q2) connected by LCAP (it works with VLANs by 4 SFP+ without hassle, at least this is OK).
The ports of Quantas, I will name lie Q1P1, Q1P2 etc.
Each server has 4 adapters, (I will name them from now S1L1, S2L2 etc)
Adapter are connected as bellow:
S1L1 to Q1P1,
S1L2 to Q1P2
S1L3 to Q2P1
S1L4 to Q2P2
S2L1 to Q1P7
S2L2 to Q1P8
S2L3 to Q2P7
S3L4 to Q2P8
That means, if one of Qantas shutdown, still servers can talk each other.
For the test purposes, I forget about Quanta Q2 and shutdown the switch.
I don't create any teaming on L1-L4 adapters.
I disable all ports except Q1P1 and Q1P7.
Then servers can talk each other on single ports S1L1 on Q1P1 to S2L1 on Q1P7.
I create simple external vmswitch on each server and name it S1VMS1 basis on single adapter S1L1.
The same S2VMS2 from S2L1. All in managementOS.
Then create virtual ethernet adapters. S1VL1 attached to S1VMS1.
S2VL1 attached to S2VMS1.
All in manaegementOS.
Set IP address on S1VL1 =
Until now, everything works. I can ping each other IPs from S1 and S2.
Then I want VLAN=99.
The short comment. I can say, if I take a simple S1L1 and simple S2L1, just allocate VLAN=99 on them - no hassle, I can ping both interfaces from S1 and S2 Hyper-Vs with VLAN configuration on Q1P1 and Q1P7.
This is fine. But I need those unlucky VMswitches
Then I set VLAN on vethernets S1VL1 and S2VL2 let's say VLAN=99.
From now, I have stairs with VMSwitches.
I try -access -vlanid 99 on S1VL1 and S2VL1.
Then -trunk -allowlist 99 -native 99 - I just simplify commands.
On Q1P1 and Q1P7 I am not sure what I need to do then.
I have been trying to addport 1/1 (I will name it Q1A1/1) to both of them, then I have been trying to addport 1/1 to Q1P1 then addport 1/2 (it is Q1A1/2) to O1P7.
Of course to have a port-channel : no port-channel static, vlan participation include 99, vlan pvid 99.
I have been trying all combinations with vlan acceptframes.
I have been trying to add vlan participation to Q1P1 and Q1P7 as well. And without it as well.
OK. Then the question. How is the proper way to get it work please?
do I have to do separate trunks on each ports even it is on the same Quanta?
Or shall I group it in one addport?
Shall I allocate VLAN on the phisical adapters (this is not recommended, if I have to use vethernet as I remember)?
My target is: to get teaming on S1L and S2L adapters (probably LCAP?, don't know yet, which one), connect teams to vmswitch, create vethernet with vlans, I guess in trunk.
I don't touch RDMA/iWarp
etc. yet. But I want to do it. Chelsio are on the way
Sorry for questions, but it drives me nuts a little bit
I became the powershell guru just typing bunch of commands from left to right and right to left, which it's good probably
but a little bit frustrating. Anyway, from now, I will never use GUI in HyperV to be happy from powershell.
Any help appreciated and welcome.