That's odd. Worked for me and even says so in their documentation.tried both
Yes.yeah, I cant Chane the default password if i cannot get into it. We are both talking about the XG correct?
You try this to enter at correct?yeah, I cant Chane the default password if i cannot get into it. We are both talking about the XG correct?
I went the XG route b/c i have more than 50 IPs/Devices, so I couldn't go down the UTM route. Is there anything I'm missing in a home environment from UTM by going to XG? is what I am using, that said i suppose if you say the XG is far from ready for use then I should just stick with the UTM
I dont know what you mean but after the installation of the iso / ova you need first bring a networkadapter in the Network and make the inital configuration (License and such thing). This is also a thing that I dislike on XG.can I not switch the ip before configuring?
The only thing missing from UTM that I would really like is "Authentication and filtering options by device type for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and others - not available".@modder man
Not that I know of, just add a second IP to your NIC in the 172.16.16.x range. I did find some quirks in the licensing/registration process but after a few tries I was able to get through it.
Take a look at this:
I was in the same position. At start pfsense was also hard for me but after some time it works just great.On a side note, I tried pfSense, and simply couldn't get into it. Software engineering and IT Strategy are my thing.... a network engineer I'm not.....After trying to get pfSense to work, I finally gave up. I couldn't even manage to get traffic to leave my network on it to the web... I reverted back to my OpenWRT setup until I can get Sophos XG up and running.
At my last count I'm just shy of 150 (with a techy wife and two young girls and their many devices, every streaming device, etc... ) I am also in the process of replacing all of our targeted light blubs with Hue's and I'm starting to build my wife a Smart Mirror (Xonay Labs | Michael Teeuw). This of course has led my 5 and 7yo to want one of their own (thankfully I have a few Pi's laying around).I run quite a number of vms in my environment, with dhcp and dns running on Windows server essentials 2012. Plus a ton of connected devices, phones , tablets, Roku, etc.... I am at roughly 120 dhcp leases at any one time....
When did you last try it? I ask that b/c I tried pfSense several times with very little success. My last attempt was about 6 months ago when I tried installing it on some Barracuda Web Filters (210/310/410). I could not install it on 2 of the 3 appliances and on the one that it did install it was a nightmare (interestingly enough SUTM installed very nicely on all three and worked very well).On a side note, I tried pfSense, and simply couldn't get into it. Software engineering and IT Strategy are my thing.... a network engineer I'm not.....After trying to get pfSense to work, I finally gave up. I couldn't even manage to get traffic to leave my network on it to the web... I reverted back to my OpenWRT setup until I can get Sophos XG up and running.