Lenovo ThinkCentre M910x Intel i5-7500 | 8 GB RAM | 256 GB SSD | RS232 HDMI WLan | eBay
Generation. Modell: ThinkCentre M910x. RAM-Speicher: wählbar 8 GB DDR4 oder kein RAM. Speicher: wählbar 0 - 512GB SSD. wahlweise mit 8 GB DDR4-RAM und wahlweise mit 256 GB M2 oder SSD ausgestattet ist.
Unlike the rest of the M910 lineup the M910x has two m.2 slots and a PCI x8 slot. The PCI risers for the M920/P330 series are compatible.
Imho a good deal if you want to build a firewall or just tinker around.
EDIT: Now with 10€ rebate if you pay via Mastercard. Code: MC2024
EDIT2: Talked with the seller. He is not sure why EU customers can't buy through ebay and recomments to order through his website. See Bjorns post
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