The original post is getting a little congested so I'll split up that original Post into more individual topics
Here my experiences with modding the M700/M900 Tiny desktop BIOS, should work equally well on the larger versions too as they share the same BIOS
Before even contemplating this you WILL need a 'EEPROM BIOS USB Programmer CH341A' available on EBAY by the millions and cost <$10 (incl shipping)
This IS Vital to avoid having a brick if something goes wrong
You can flash pretty well anything to the EEPROM and recover as it uses the power from the USB connection to power to EEPROM
The most important thing to have is a backup of your original BIOS as it contains all the important information as it UUID, Win10 serial etc, loose this and you loose that
Once you have this you can mod your BIOS to your hearts content.
Below is a work in progress so bare with me
BIOS modding guides The place to read up on the how to's and where to's
A great place to get your hands dirty with BIOS modding
Files mentioned in above Guides in one place I'll try to keep them updated whilst I work on the Kaby Lake support on the M700
If coming across Motherboards here are ones to look out for
M710q and P320 tiny
Part number sb20n59692 - this has the PCIe slot
Part number sb20n59690 - does not and is the most common by far
Part number 01AJ902 - riser card to PCIe 16x slot
End result this is leading to

Here my experiences with modding the M700/M900 Tiny desktop BIOS, should work equally well on the larger versions too as they share the same BIOS
Before even contemplating this you WILL need a 'EEPROM BIOS USB Programmer CH341A' available on EBAY by the millions and cost <$10 (incl shipping)
This IS Vital to avoid having a brick if something goes wrong
You can flash pretty well anything to the EEPROM and recover as it uses the power from the USB connection to power to EEPROM
The most important thing to have is a backup of your original BIOS as it contains all the important information as it UUID, Win10 serial etc, loose this and you loose that
Once you have this you can mod your BIOS to your hearts content.
Below is a work in progress so bare with me
BIOS modding guides The place to read up on the how to's and where to's
A great place to get your hands dirty with BIOS modding
Files mentioned in above Guides in one place I'll try to keep them updated whilst I work on the Kaby Lake support on the M700
If coming across Motherboards here are ones to look out for
M710q and P320 tiny
Part number sb20n59692 - this has the PCIe slot
Part number sb20n59690 - does not and is the most common by far
Part number 01AJ902 - riser card to PCIe 16x slot
End result this is leading to

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