ienRon 22 Port 2.5G Managed Layer 3 Network Switch, 16 x 2.5 Gigabit Base-T Ports, 6 x 10 Gigabit SFP Switch, Ethernet Switch, Smart Switch, Flexible

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Active Member
Nov 29, 2019
Thanks, I did look into it and there is indeed a diagnostic menu option inside the DOS-like CLI. It does unfortunately require a different password than the one used for the Hasivo switches so that means I'll need to go in and extract it from the image with something like Ghidra or Radare. I couldn't get Ghidra to play nice with the MIPS32 24kc architecture but Radare seemed to navigate it better.

Will have to table it here for now as I have more pressing work to get done but it's good to know getting shell access is very doable on these pricier 500-1000+ Realtek units
Lots of Realtek switches from more well-known brands are also based on the Realtek SDK code base so once you get access to the CLI or uboot shell they apparently tend to be very similar. That's at least the impression I've gotten from the long thread on the OpenWrt forum about porting OpenWrt to these switches. :)


New Member
Sep 11, 2024
I'm in the market for a 16+ port, 2.5gbps POE switch and came across this thread and these switches. I've been so close to pulling the trigger on a Ubiquiti Enterprise 24 for months now and just haven't been able to pull the trigger. I would MUCH rather configure my switching via CLI/SSH, so I'm curious what OS these things are mimicking, if any?

Any updates on how they are doing? I see one person mentioned about 15 watts at idle, has anyone else done any power tests?


Mar 15, 2024
That UI, the menu and labels,... these all look very similar to a couple of China brand switches I purchased from Amazon earlier this year. The brand was called "Sodola". One switch was a 24port 2.5g switch with 2 10g uplinks. The other was a 12 port 10g switch, all SFP+.

Both switches are fully populated and have been working just fine. Other than VLANs and LACP bonding, I haven't used a lot of the supported features. I have no need for most of the features.

I am however collecting port metrics with LibreNMS via SNMP and that seems to work just fine too.

Considering these are no-name cheap switches, I've been rather impressed with their reliability and throughput under heavy load. The short depth requirements ruled out most of the big name switches for me. Did I mention these are also located right next to my desk where I work all day. They're quite enough.
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Mar 15, 2024
Any updates on how they are doing? I see one person mentioned about 15 watts at idle, has anyone else done any power tests?
I do have Shelly metering on the rack but I never measured it idle and I couldn't measure idle power now without shutting everything down. Every port on my switch is in use.

Regarding the CLI access, neither switch included in the product description, anything about SSH, telnet access. The 2.5g switch I have doesn't have any CLI access - web only. The Sodola 10g switch I have offers telnet and ssh. The commands don't look at all familiar to me. Here's the root menu after typing a "?":

  clear             Reset functions
  clock             Manage the system clock
  configure         Configuration Mode
  copy              Copy from one file to another
  debug             debug
  delete            Delete a file from the flash file system
  disable           Turn off privileged mode command
  end               End current mode and change to enable mode
  exit              Exit current mode and down to previous mode
  no                Negate command
  ping              Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
  reboot            Halt and perform a cold restart
  renew             Renew functions
  restore-defaults  Restore to default
  save              Save running configuration to flash
  show              Show running system information
  ssl               Setup SSL host keys
  terminal          Terminal configuration
  traceroute        Trace route to network hosts
  udld              Configure global UDLD setting
  usb               USB device


New Member
Sep 11, 2024
If you enter config mode, what does it show you from there? That is an interesting entry menu to be presented on a switch!


Mar 15, 2024
If you enter config mode, what does it show you from there? That is an interesting entry menu to be presented on a switch!
  aaa                 Authentication, Authorization, Accounting
  alarm               Alarm trap
  arp                 Global ARP table configuration commands
  authentication      Auth Manager Global Configuration Commands
  boot                Booting Operations
  clear               Reset functions
  clock               Manage the system clock
  custom              Custom Module configuration
  delete              Delete a file from the flash file system
  dhcp-client         configure the static ip of host
  dhcp-server         DHCP relay and server configuration
  dos                 DoS information
  dot1x               802.1x configuration
  do                  To run exec commands in current mode
  enable              Local Enable Password
  end                 End current mode and change to enable mode
  erps                Ethernet Ring Protection Switching
  errdisable          Error Disable
  exit                Exit current mode and down to previous mode
  gvrp                GVRP configuration
  hostname            Set system's network name
  interface           Select an interface to configure
  ip                  IP configuration
  ipv6                IPV6 configuration
  jumbo-frame         Jumbo Frame configuration
  lacp                LACP Configuration
  lag                 Link Aggregation Group Configuration
  line                To identify a specific line for configuration
  lldp                Global LLDP configuration subcommands
  log                 Logging control
  logging             Log Configuration
  loopback-detection  Ethernet interface loopback detection configure
  mac                 MAC configuration
  management          IP management
  mirror              Mirror configuration
  mvr                 MVR global enable
  no                  Negate command
  ospf                Set the OSPF area ID
  ping                Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
  port-security       Port Security
  qos                 QoS configuration
  radius              RADIUS server information
  rip                 enable rip
  rmon                RMON information
  router-id           Manually set the router-id
  serdes              serdes config
  show                Show running system information
  snmp                SNMP information
  sntp                Simple Network Time Protocol
  spanning-tree       Spanning-tree configuration
  storm-control       Storm control configuration
  surveillance-vlan   Surveillance VLAN configuration
  system              System information
  tacacs              TACACS+ server information
  udld                Configure global UDLD setting
  username            Local User
  vlan                VLAN configuration
  voice-vlan          Voice VLAN configuration


New Member
Sep 11, 2024
thanks. That's looking fairly Cisco-like from what I can see, which is what I'd expect from your 12 port SFP+ switch. I wish I could find something like this with 2.5gbps ports.


New Member
Jan 3, 2024
Just curious, maybe somebody tried to flash firmware from another brand?
Also, does it have SNMP?


Mar 15, 2024
Just curious, maybe somebody tried to flash firmware from another brand?
Also, does it have SNMP?
from my post above, you can see I have one of the cheap 2.5gb and 10gb switches from Sodola brand. Both have SNMP and I have LibreNMS pulling interface stats every 60 seconds for the last 4 months or so. Seems pretty stable, neither switch has ever hiccuped, got wedged or require a restart for any reason. I thought I'd wedged the switch updating the LACP bonds but it was probably just a fat finger on my part.


New Member
Sep 11, 2024
I ended up ordering the Terow switch I linked to above. I'll make sure to check back in and leave some commentary as I set it up to replace my ancient ProCurve 2520 POE 24 port switch.


New Member
Sep 11, 2024
I received the switch today from Amazon and unboxed it. They included a 128mb thumb drive with the "installation driver" on it, I don't think I'll be trusting that drive with anything!

The switch is quite loud as another poster mentioned, it has 2 fans glued to the bottom of the chassis that move a fair amount of air. There is also thermal conducting material on the lid that is stuck onto the SFP cages.

Power draw is 18W at idle. I have family obligations the rest of the evening but should be able to being testing it more tomorrow. Here are photos of the inside.


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New Member
Sep 11, 2024
quick dump of the 'show' command and running-config as shipped.

Switch# show
aaa hosts radius
acl info rate
arp interfaces rip
authentication ip rmon
backup-config ipv6 router-id
cable-diag lacp running-config
clock lag snmp
cpu line sntp
custom lldp spanning-tree
debugging logging startup-config
dhcp-client loopback-detection storm-control
dhcp-server mac surveillance-vlan
dhcpv6-client management tacacs
dos memory tech-support
eee mirror udld
erps mvr username
errdisable ospf users
fiber-transceiver poe version
flash port-security vlan
gvrp privilege voice-vlan
history qos
Switch# show running-config
! System Description: KT-NOS HG2406XGMP Switch
! System Version: v1.0.0.2
! System Name: Switch
! System Up Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 mins, 50 secs
username "admin" secret encrypted MjEyMzJmMjk3YTU3YTVhNzQzODk0YTBlNGE4MDFmYzM=
voice-vlan oui-table 00:E0:BB "3COM"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:03:6B "Cisco"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:E0:75 "Veritel"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:D0:1E "Pingtel"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:01:E3 "Siemens"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:60:B9 "NEC/Philips"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:0F:E2 "H3C"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:09:6E "Avaya"
spanning-tree mst configuration
name "00:E0:4C:88:81:7D"
interface vlan1
ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 mode
interface mgi1
interface mgi2
interface mgi3
interface mgi4
interface mgi5
interface mgi6
interface mgi7
interface mgi8
interface mgi9
interface mgi10
interface mgi11
interface mgi12
interface mgi13
interface mgi14
interface mgi15
interface mgi16
interface mgi17
interface mgi18
interface mgi19
interface mgi20
interface mgi21
interface mgi22
interface mgi23
interface mgi24
interface te1
interface te2
interface te3
interface te4
interface te5
interface te6
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