quick dump of the 'show' command and running-config as shipped.
Switch# show
aaa hosts radius
acl info rate
arp interfaces rip
authentication ip rmon
backup-config ipv6 router-id
cable-diag lacp running-config
clock lag snmp
cpu line sntp
custom lldp spanning-tree
debugging logging startup-config
dhcp-client loopback-detection storm-control
dhcp-server mac surveillance-vlan
dhcpv6-client management tacacs
dos memory tech-support
eee mirror udld
erps mvr username
errdisable ospf users
fiber-transceiver poe version
flash port-security vlan
gvrp privilege voice-vlan
history qos
Switch# show running-config
! System Description: KT-NOS HG2406XGMP Switch
! System Version: v1.0.0.2
! System Name: Switch
! System Up Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 mins, 50 secs
username "admin" secret encrypted MjEyMzJmMjk3YTU3YTVhNzQzODk0YTBlNGE4MDFmYzM=
voice-vlan oui-table 00:E0:BB "3COM"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:03:6B "Cisco"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:E0:75 "Veritel"
voice-vlan oui-table 00
0:1E "Pingtel"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:01:E3 "Siemens"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:60:B9 "NEC/Philips"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:0F:E2 "H3C"
voice-vlan oui-table 00:09:6E "Avaya"
spanning-tree mst configuration
name "00:E0:4C:88:81:7D"
interface vlan1
ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 mode
interface mgi1
interface mgi2
interface mgi3
interface mgi4
interface mgi5
interface mgi6
interface mgi7
interface mgi8
interface mgi9
interface mgi10
interface mgi11
interface mgi12
interface mgi13
interface mgi14
interface mgi15
interface mgi16
interface mgi17
interface mgi18
interface mgi19
interface mgi20
interface mgi21
interface mgi22
interface mgi23
interface mgi24
interface te1
interface te2
interface te3
interface te4
interface te5
interface te6