I've been running an SH4 with round robin balancing into a Mikrotik RB4011 following the guide here : Greater than Gbit on Virgin Media
All has been working fine for 3 months, including various power cycles. The SH4 was always showing a white LED ring in Modem mode.
Recently the SH4 started flashing green at certain times of the day (firmware update?) and speeds regularly dropped to 50Mbs from 1.15Gbs. On July 2nd or 3rd this speed drop became permanent, and the SH4 showed a permanent green ring.
Initially rebooting into router mode with just one cabled ethernet connection was also giving me 50Mbs so I thought it was a network issue and logged a fault. This fault was acknowledged by VM in my post code.
Had a VM engineer around yesterday to fix this - and they appeared to. WiFi speeds were >500Mbs and a cabled network connection was 940Mbs in router mode with nothing connected.
When I rebooted to modem mode with my round robin connection to the Mikrotik - back to 50Mbs max. Rebooted again (still in modem mode) with a PC directly connected to the SH4 over Ethernet, back to 940Mbs (after the obligatory wait for a new MAC address to be recognised etc. etc.)
Rebooted again with just one connection to the RB4011 - 940Mbs. Connected a second connection for Round Robin - drops to 50Mbs.
My software is now reported as : AR01.
040722 in the file name suggests a 4th July 2022 version?
Could VM have uploaded new software to my SH4 that :
1. Goes solid green in Modem mode ?
2. Has broken round robin load balancing ?
Or could this all just be coincidence?
Does anyone else have this firmware - and are they successfully round robin-ing still?
All has been working fine for 3 months, including various power cycles. The SH4 was always showing a white LED ring in Modem mode.
Recently the SH4 started flashing green at certain times of the day (firmware update?) and speeds regularly dropped to 50Mbs from 1.15Gbs. On July 2nd or 3rd this speed drop became permanent, and the SH4 showed a permanent green ring.
Initially rebooting into router mode with just one cabled ethernet connection was also giving me 50Mbs so I thought it was a network issue and logged a fault. This fault was acknowledged by VM in my post code.
Had a VM engineer around yesterday to fix this - and they appeared to. WiFi speeds were >500Mbs and a cabled network connection was 940Mbs in router mode with nothing connected.
When I rebooted to modem mode with my round robin connection to the Mikrotik - back to 50Mbs max. Rebooted again (still in modem mode) with a PC directly connected to the SH4 over Ethernet, back to 940Mbs (after the obligatory wait for a new MAC address to be recognised etc. etc.)
Rebooted again with just one connection to the RB4011 - 940Mbs. Connected a second connection for Round Robin - drops to 50Mbs.
My software is now reported as : AR01.
040722 in the file name suggests a 4th July 2022 version?
Could VM have uploaded new software to my SH4 that :
1. Goes solid green in Modem mode ?
2. Has broken round robin load balancing ?
Or could this all just be coincidence?
Does anyone else have this firmware - and are they successfully round robin-ing still?