Someone posted a new BMC version elsewhere. Tested just now and so far no problems. BMC v12.83.48
Looks like a build for a different target from the same 12.61.17 code base:Someone posted a new BMC version elsewhere. Tested just now and so far no problems. BMC v12.83.48
Thanks for the reply. My plan is to power these with cheap, but decent 12 VDC power supplies and have the 5 VDC supply done with separate power supplies, so no ATX involved at all. Obviously the power supplies would be on all the time. 24 VDC would be optimal as the cabinet already has it sorted but 24 VDC is not a thing with non industrial equipment.I only have tried with a Dell 6-pin PSU, that do not have the 5v standby power, so used another PSU for that, and only connected the Dell PSU with 12V CPU and PSU on/signal and ground to the little 4-pin connector. Did not mange to get other than IPMI working, never managed to turn on the Dell PSU with the power button on the board, but manually turned on the PSU, and the CPU fan did spin, but no signal out of the VGA and the board would not turn on.
Could be different with an ATX PSU, but so far have not been able to get the board powered up when 12V and 5V coming from differing power sources. Getting some ATX PSU next week, so will do some more testing there.
Just tested with two PSU's, and YES it works just fine. So should no be a problem powering it from two different power sources.Thanks for the reply. My plan is to power these with cheap, but decent 12 VDC power supplies and have the 5 VDC supply done with separate power supplies, so no ATX involved at all. Obviously the power supplies would be on all the time. 24 VDC would be optimal as the cabinet already has it sorted but 24 VDC is not a thing with non industrial equipment.
It seems I will have to experiment, but I don't want to be smoking the boards by doing so.
To the question above, it was update 12.83.48 that was the issue. Like boxyrobot said in earlier post, that version is made for different target of "H" series boards. So going back to 12.61.17 solved the "no image from VGA" issue.So I finally managed to get the BMC firmware update working, tried form another computer, and now I got the progress bar (that I did not get before), and everything went well. But now I don't get any image out of the VGA port.
Before everything was sent through the VGA port, but nothing now. Still works in KVM just fine. I cannot find any settings in BMC or Bios to enable video out. Is this a bug or just a setting I have missed?
well, just a generic electrical thingy - make sure there's no current flow between the GND level of the 2 PSUs - i.e. the GND of supply 1 is the same as GND of supply 2 (keep in mind that GND and neutral is/should not be the same). My expectation then would be that no smoking should happen if that is maintained (and correct voltages are provided on correct pins).Thanks for the reply. My plan is to power these with cheap, but decent 12 VDC power supplies and have the 5 VDC supply done with separate power supplies, so no ATX involved at all. Obviously the power supplies would be on all the time. 24 VDC would be optimal as the cabinet already has it sorted but 24 VDC is not a thing with non industrial equipment.
It seems I will have to experiment, but I don't want to be smoking the boards by doing so.
Someone posted a new BMC version elsewhere. Tested just now and so far no problems. BMC v12.83.48
Like I said earlier I haven´t experienced any issues so far. I just checked the projects.txt provided in the archive and it stated MJ11-EC0-00, MJ11-EC1-00, MJ11-EC1-MM, MJ11-EC1-O0, MJ11-EC1-OT, MJ11-EC1-RG as supported systems.I don't recommend this version since it was a custom build for the following servers/boards "MZ62-HD4, H262-Z6A, H262-Z6B, G262-ZR0-00, G262-ZO0-00".
It COULD result errors or misconfigurations for sensor and so on.
Addional it's the same code base as the 12.61.17 update.
I´m running the server headless only with BMC and SSH since I don´t have a VGA monitor.Do you have VGA out?
It is possible to activate also the other fans and have full control over them!Wish I had the knowledge to do Bios-mods. Would be interesting to test if the v1.2 board's bios fan controller for SYS1 and SYS2 fans, will work on this v1.0 board. Is mentioned in the instructions for V1.2, but only the CPU fan is mentioned for this V1.0.
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View attachment 33741
That is great news!It is possible to activate also the other fans and have full control over them!
But it is not the Bios that needs modifying. You need to change the product name of the bord.
From G431-MM0-OT to MJ11-EC0-00 and MJ11-EC1-OT to MJ11-EC0-00.
After a BMC reboot it will be reconfigured and all fans are working.
I managed to do this after a lot of trial and error.
To do it you need root access to the BMC command line. The easiest way is to connect a usb to ttl adapter to the BMC JTAG pins
You will then have a serial console into the BMC.
If someone is interested I can write a down the steps I took.
The image below show the result. 3 fans attached each with its own fan profile and temperature sensor