C:\WINDOWS\system32>fio-status -a
Found 1 ioMemory device in this system
Fusion-io driver version: 3.1.1 build 181
Adapter: Single Controller Adapter
Fusion-io ioDrive2 1.205TB, Product Number:F00-001-1T20-CS-0001, FIO SN:1241D0174
ioDrive2 Adapter Controller, PN:PA004137009
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe slot available power: unavailable
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct2: Product Number:F00-001-1T20-CS-0001, SN:*********
fct2 Status unknown: Driver is in MINIMAL MODE:
The firmware on this device is not compatible with the currently installed version of the driver
ioDrive2 Adapter Controller, Product Number:F00-001-1T20-CS-0001, SN:1241D0174
!! ---> There are active errors or warnings on this device! Read below for details.
ioDrive2 Adapter Controller, PN:PA004137009
SMP(AVR) Versions: App Version:, Boot Version:
Powerloss protection: not available
PCI:02:00.0, Slot Number:6
Vendor:1aed, Device:2001, Sub vendor:1aed, Sub device:2001
Firmware v7.0.2, rev 108609 Public
Geometry and capacity information not available.
Format: not low-level formatted
PCIe slot available power: unavailable
Internal temperature: 77.27 degC, max 79.24 degC
Internal voltage: avg 1.01V, max 1.02V
Aux voltage: avg 2.48V, max 2.48V
Rated PBW: 17.00 PB
Lifetime data volumes:
Physical bytes written: 0
Physical bytes read : 0
RAM usage:
Current: 0 bytes
Peak : 0 bytes
The ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state.