Thank you
@AnthonyUK . Yes, my openwrt with adblock (basically) runs on a NanoPi R4S (RK3399). And it runs at 1% per CPU with 38 degrees Celsius (at 20 ambient air temp) only. I gained 3 to 6 ms ping/packet latency with the component, but that is fine.
And I have the NanoPi R6S (RK3588S) sitting here, waiting for a "secure enough" kernel to be used as a firewall. Right now I am not using it, but I tested a ubuntu setup and it runs astonishingly well there. BUT, ARM builds are very different to x86 when it comes to software availability, a mainline kernel and hardware accelleration for 3D and video in day-to-day use-applications.
That is why I wanted to try a x86 build. I was eying the udoo x86 systems, but they are either not with a wanted CPU structure or in a price range I want to afford "just for my interests" in the differences and testing these systems. The N100/N200 changed that.
By the way, I guess the lower performance of the N200 to the N100 depends on the used PL settings for the whole package (CPU & GPU). Considering that with the same power settings used on both, I would guess that the 32 EU's of the N200 instead of the 24 EU's of the N100 would use up more power (for the 8 additional EU's of the GPU) that normally would go to the CPU.
@Becks0815 You are right, 9th page, we really need a wiki ;-) I really appreciate your input here and hope to put them into use when my system arrives.
@Spossis83 If only the CPU temp is your issue: check for thermal gaps between CPU and cooler, if there is one, fill it with a working solution. A very small gap with thermal paste, a bigger gap with thermal putty or a pad. And you can loose some CPU power, try a lower PL1 and PL2 setting. Maybe try PL1 5W and PL2 10W, if you want to go really low.