Odd that I only get random updates from this watched thread, not all of them..
I resigned myself to the fact that you can't daisy chain these backplanes.
Well, they are technically internal backplanes, so it kinda makes sense that functionality isnt there. From my experience the external DAS shelves usually have a pair of external expander chips not built into the backplane itself. But hey, thanks for confirming for the rest of us.
Man thats gonna be alot of weight on cardboard tables. Good luck downloading the internets! (maybe some 1/8" L-channel on the front legs?)
Can you please measure depth of the 12 LFF cage? I initially planned SFF cage to install in teleco rack, but LFF looks so hoardy...
I got 7.25". Add some for fans. I originally had mine in a network rack, so if its 10.5" deep from the rails, you have enough.
Now thats my kinda modding. Awesome!
I am currently using diy hardware and the system is Windows Server 2016, the HBA card is LSI SAS2 2308 (forgot the specific model but this card is not an hp HBA card, I remember it seems to be IBM's).
Thats kinda odd. Might be your card's FW? You said it was an IBM rebrand, did you crossflash to LSI IT FW? I can see an IBM FW hooked into a HP internal expander acting a little weird. Maybe the expander/backplane itself is bad?
You shouldnt need an HP card, I use an LSI 9206 which is also a SAS2308 card and i can see all of them, and havent had any "inter-slot dependancy" issues I'm aware of. I have however burned up a slot or two so i know they can go bad.
Ive also used a PERC H710 flashed to LSI so if youre using the stock LSI FW, id try swapping the backplane for $20.
Really clued-up guy 'scrutinous' on SpacePool Discord says;
yeah, "it just passes signal to where it needs to go" by magic. It just knows where it needs to go. it doesnt actually
recognize anything passing through it right? voodoo switch because reasons --clued-up guy lmao
Great job ignoring the next comment where I backtrack on my statement btw. thanks for contributing. big help.