Hey guys first time posting,
Got an ICX6450, following Fohdeesha guide to get it started but not working, a bit of a noob
o my network setup is like this:
Netgate 6100
- ISP Fiber thing with ethernet (1gbs) to netgate box
- 10gb SFP+ DAC Cable going to switch
Switch Brocade ICX6450
- DAC from netgate box (1/2/1)
- DAC to NAS (1/2/2)
- DAC to Optiplex Server (1/2/3)
- DAC to PC (1/2/4)
(I also have an unmanaged switch I have AP and PC hookedup to for internet until i can get this to work that is hooked up to regular lan port on netgate)
So I am now trying to setup to ICX6450 using this guide. I am connected fine to the serial port via an old Surface pro 3 (main pc a little far for cable)
ICX6450 - Fohdeesha Docs
I downloaded the files in the overview and put the tftp server on my main pc. Though not sure what I should set the server interface to? (the DAC?)
Anyway. I run into a problem on the first step, the factory set-default command isn't working for me it says unknown command.
I attempted to continue in the guide anyway
I set the IP to the IP i already setup for it in pfsense and the netmask.
Then set the serverip to the IP for my pc on pfsense and on the tftpd server program (
but i cant ping it or then load from it because it says its missing a gateway?
So yea im a little lost....
Im just getting started this is my eventual network I want. (I have a shed a lot of the equipment is going in which ill run fiber to which is why two 10gb switchs to netgate box, one in shed one inside, but for now just doing netgatebox to switch, pc, nas,server)