
How-to Guide Linux Desktop in Docker Running in 60 Seconds

About twice a day I get some form of SPAM that asks me to go to a site. I make it a rule not to follow those links from my PCs, ever.

What happens if you want to open a suspicious link? Or let's say you want a quick Linux GUI in your data center but do not want to install a VM. Perhaps you do not have a provisioning template.

Step 1: Fire up the docker image:
docker run -it --rm -p 6080:80 -p 5900:5900 -e VNC_PASSWORD=CHANGEME! dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc
Change "CHANGEME!" to another password.

Step 2: Connect via VNC on port 5900

I am a MobaXterm user so the built-in VNC connection option works fine.

Step 3: Get going!

Docker VNC Ubuntu LXDE Desktop.JPG

You can do things like add volumes, but this lets you create a throwaway container.

Kill the container and wipe the next time you need a temporary Linux desktop.
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