Here is a nice one for making a Docker container with VNC and noVNC access. noVNC allows you to access the container using a HTML5 web browser so you do not need to install software.
Here is the GitHub of what we are using:
Step 1: Pick CentOS or Ubuntu
Step 2: Launch container:
Step 3: Connect via web browser:
http://<IP Address here>:6901/?password=vncpassword/
This gives you a totally throw-away Linux container based on CentOS or Ubuntu that you can connect to via a web browser (e.g. your phone) without needing VNC software locally.
This is likely okay for a quick session exposed to LAN only, but I would suggest not putting this on a publicly accessible IP.
Here is the GitHub of what we are using:
Step 1: Pick CentOS or Ubuntu
Step 2: Launch container:
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 consol/centos-xfce-vnc
docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 consol/ubuntu-xfce-vnc
http://<IP Address here>:6901/?password=vncpassword/
This gives you a totally throw-away Linux container based on CentOS or Ubuntu that you can connect to via a web browser (e.g. your phone) without needing VNC software locally.
This is likely okay for a quick session exposed to LAN only, but I would suggest not putting this on a publicly accessible IP.