Where are the best places that I can study about servers and cloud services?

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New Member
Feb 21, 2021
Recently (Some days ago) I started researching about servers and cloud services because of a cloud gaming project that I want to do, but I don't know where I start learning about servers and cloud services.
I liked this website, but I think this site is more focused on reviewing and these things, but I want to understand about servers, why some are better than others, specs, how to choose the best options in cloud services and servers, etc...
I study hardware since 2017, but I never stopped to understand about servers.
I already heard about Xeon and I understand a little bit about the Epyc's server processors.
Sorry if I posted this thread in the wrong place.
Sorry again if I made some mistake while writing, I write very badly in English, mainly because I'm still learning how to write in english and I'm trying to get used to it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2017
Try the old IBM Redbooks for System x from the time before they sold everything to Lenovo. Or their SANs (V3700 etc.) from the era. Many 100s of pages to study servers and components. For example: https://systemx.lenovofiles.com/help/topic/com.lenovo.sysx.7945.doc/PDF_4255_7945_7949_PDSG.pdf

Also hate to break it to you but just like there is no Santa there is no "cloud", only other people's computers. ;-) What you probably wanted was Linux and implementation and maintenance of services on it.
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