Hello, I acquired a pair of Xeon platinum 8175M, and decided to replace my Xeon silvers that I currently had in my server. I run an HP ML350 gen10, and I use it as a desktop. I use a GTX1650 as a graphics card in the machine.
Yesterday, the processors arrived, I followed the instructions contained in this thread, and I was able to unlock TDP. This is where things got odd. My graphics card was no longer being detected. The GTX1650 doesn't draw any power from the supply independently, it draws it's power from the PCI slot. I moved the graphics card down one slot, and it works again. I ran cinebench, it ran fine the first time, the second time, I got a blue screen. After reboot, my principle boot drive wasn't being detected (1tb ssd). I moved the hard drive to another slot, and it works fine now. This morning, I tried to plug in an external USB drive and copy a file, the copy fails after 4mb or so, whether I'm using a powered usb device or one that's powered by the port itself. I have had zero problems with this server until now, and I've been running it for a little over two years.
The server has a pair of 800w power supplies, set to balanced mode. So I have a couple questions.
1. Is this the problem, am I undervolting the system?
2. If that's the case, I'll order a set of 1600W power supplies, am I safe to run my system until then, or should I swap back to my silvers?
3. Has anyone else experienced anything like this after unlocking TDP?
4. If needed, can I revert the changes that were made by the TDP unlock?