The Infamous Mikrotik CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+ Thread

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Sep 24, 2018
Hi everyone,

I wanted to create a thread regarding this particular switch from Mikrotik, namely the CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+.
While this looked like a dream of a switch, packing 48 copper 1G ports, 4 SFP+ Cages and 2 QSFP+ and dual PSU for less thant 500$, it turned out to be a nightmare and an incredible joke.

For some mysterious reason (I am convinced it is some hardware issue) one block of 8 ports will stop passing traffic randomly.
According to our experience it will always be the same bloc on a given switch but it won't be the same on all of them
(switchA will be freezing ports 1 to 8 and switch B will be freezing port 9 to 17).

The issue is vicious as the ports remains up on the switch and the connected device, it will just stop forwarding traffic.

The issue was reported on Mikrotik forum on April 2020 and multiple users complained about it.

Mikrotik presented a fix in a 6.48beta5 RouterOS release in May 2020, then beta 12 in July, followed by beta 23 in August, then beta 26, beta 27..
In September Normis, Mikrotik Support Guru, pitched in and stated that latest beta should have fixed everything..

But ports kept freezing and winter was coming.. and when beta 40 came out, the issue was still present.

In November 2020, a statement was released by mikrotik support " The discussed CRS354 Ethernet interface forwarding issue is related to CRS354 chip configuration and solving it involves internal parameter tuning of the device. By cooperating with the chip manufacturer, we are researching it and doing more extensive testing to properly fix this problem. "

So ok, there is some issue with the chip.. yet it is not possible to return the switch as defective as ther is no official product recall..

April 2021, one year later, users are still complaining abou the issue, RouterOS has seen multiple version release and the issue is still present.
There have been fixes in the software, as stated by Mikortik support "
Yes, there is a fix in software update regarding CRS354 forwarding problem -
the newly released v6.48.2 contains significant improvements which
have been extensively tested before the release. "

But no luck..
Even using SwitchOS, the striped down OS for mikrotik devices did not help.

Time went on, another winter and as of today, March 2022, nearly 2 years after, there is no fix and no RMA possible, in a few month, warranty will be gone.
Mikrotik has been silent on the matter since one year, ar at least did not post any feedback on their forum.

So I wanted to open this topic here to have some feedback :
-Have some STH readers been fooled by this particular switch ?
-Do you happen to have a CRS354 that has no freezing ports ?
-Have you ever seen this kind of mess on an hardware item ? (faulty device, promises of software fixes that never comes and then warranty expiration)

(Full topic about the issue on their forum :
CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+ traffic problem on ports 1 to 8 - Page 2 - MikroTik ) (edited)
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Active Member
Jul 2, 2013
So I wanted to open this topic here to have some feedback :
-Have some STH readers been fooled by this particular switch ?
-Do you happen to have a CRS354 that has no freezing ports ?
-Have you ever seen this kind of mess on an hardware item ? (faulty device, promises of software fixes that never comes and then warranty expiration)

(Full topic about the issue on their forum :
Can't choose download version from in Safari - MikroTik )
The link is wrong.

I have one, so far I have not experienced any issue but then I am not using it extensively yet - had it running for about a month and only using about 5 rj45 ports and all of the sfp+ ports / 1 of the qsfp ports. I'm using switch OS.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2013
what's the noise like on that thing? I'm slowly looking for a replacement of my 6450 broccade.. and could use some QSFP ports
Hard to judge for me because there is a heap of noisy things in the same room but I doesn't stand out at all i.e. I think its pretty quiet. At the very least reading some of the links on mikrotik's support pages I probably wouldnt take this risk, especially using routeros.

CRS354-48P-4S+2Q+ traffic problem on ports 1 to 8 - Page 2 - MikroTik


Sep 24, 2018
Regarding the noise, as long as you do not have all ports plugged it is reasonable... but if you choose to get this switch, be prepared to get only 40 copper ports available at best and globally a crippled device.

Then yes it's cheap and reliability is sometimes random but we are here at a climax when there is an issue, they do not oficially recognise it and keep users in the dark.
They should have issued a recall.

I have edited the link in the original post, thank you ecosse.
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Active Member
Jul 2, 2013
I am really disappointed if this does turn out to have the issues you mention - this is the first time in a while I have bought a new device as opposed to a ebay purchase. It wasnt cheap.

@Patrick considering the pretty positive reviews of mikrotik devices on sth is it possible to ask the vendor to comment?


Feb 3, 2019
Reading this and Mikrotik's forum thread sounds like a manufacturing or a component failure issue. If ports start failing once/week then frequency increases it might indicate damage from temperature or stress. If so no amount of firmware update will correct the problem.

I don't think @Patrick does any long-term tests.
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Staff member
Dec 21, 2010
Actually, we have like 3-4 of these sitting in the Santa Clara racks each with 42-52 ports filled. Uptime has been >1 year at this point and no issues thus far. They are the non-PoE versions though. Not a formal long-term test and that is in a data center so temperature/ humidity/ dust are more controlled. The P and non-P ones I have in Texas all are switched on/ off and moved constantly so they are not the best reliability indicators.
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Sep 24, 2018
This is some very interesting feedback as it show that some models are running fine in some use cases...

At our side we also had them in datacenter, simple configuration, no changes and got the port freezes on all devices quite quickly.
We had one unit that kept running smooth for 12 month and then... ports 17 to24 decided they had enough.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2013
Reading this and Mikrotik's forum thread sounds like a manufacturing or a component failure issue. If ports start failing once/week then frequency increases it might indicate damage from temperature or stress. If so no amount of firmware update will correct the problem.

I don't think @Patrick does any long-term tests.
Problem is on this no-one really knows - I tend to agree with your diagnosis but its based on forum opinion not accurate data. At least on the forum threads the vendor hasn't confirmed that the problem has been fixed and neither has the people complaining about it.
I also think the second point is correct but slightly redundant - the point is that we seem to have a switch being sold that is marked as 5 stars or thereabouts on this site whereas if its as defective as it sounds it is nowhere near that figure. "Availability is your number one feature".
Of course, being what we know it might just be with certain batches or perhaps non-poe only; again mine has been fine so far!
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Feb 3, 2019
Sure, nobody knows here for sure unless they work for Mikrotik. The symptom of not passing traffic is similar to when a switch's power supply fails. Some PSU failures causes the switch to reboot others causes traffic to stop. For those who have multiple switches it would be beneficial to swap internal PSUs to help determine if their PSU is the culprit.


New Member
Apr 24, 2022
Since I switched to SWOS I have no more problems and very happy with this switch.
They are now running since beginning of May 2021 24/7.

I have 9 of them but only 3 of them had been with problems while running on RouterOS, that was very strange.
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Sep 24, 2018
Thank you for your feedback tenos, this input show the randomness of the issue. (3 / 9 affected..)
At our side we have tested SwOS in a setup where it was only passing IPMI traffic over 4 differnt vlans and we still got the issue.

Did you order them all at the same time or do you have different batches ?


New Member
Apr 24, 2022
Sorry for the late Answer, it have been different batches.

SWOS solved my Problems, but i‘m not using VLANs.


Sep 24, 2018
Wanted to update this thread as, after a few years, they fixed the issue :

What's new in 7.16beta3 (2024-Jun-27 08:33):
*) switch - fixed an issue with Ethernet port group hang for CRS354 devices;
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