Ok update on my side, got another 2 last night with 1900 plots. Now, I may have another shot to get 2 more before netspace is hitting 50exabyte and that would cover my expenses if I can sell all of the coins with today's price.
I am not sure what to do now, I have several SMR/USB 8TB and 5TB drives I bought from Costco with the cost of $16.5 and $20 per TB. I refrained shucking them as I wasn't sure if I will continue. Transfer speeds to these drives are horrible at 35MB/sec so I am pretty much bottlenecked behind this speed hence I am not adding more space.
I have an order of 16TB USB Seagate's coming at $20 per TB, I was told that they will be getting fulfilled next week. Pre chia prices on these drives looks pretty good to me.
I have plenty of disk shelve space available and I think I can generate 70-100 plots a day. Hence I can continue efficiently if I want to as long as I buy hard drives.
The math to make decision here is a little bit complicated because I am not sure if I will ever get my money back on the hard drives as it is hard to predict netspace growth. My guess is that netspace growth will accelerate as the tooling and expertise become wider. There is also possibility of hard disk crash if chia falls apart but that seems unlikely to me unless company starts to disperse their 21M coins.
My options are:
1. Cancel/return all the hard drives I purchased.
2. Keep the hard drives and try to scalp them
3. Continue to expand until netspace hits 50Exabyte and hope for the best.
4. Sell all my hard drives and gear while the prices are peaked. I know I have much more gear than I will ever 'need" unless I do chia mining.
What would you do?