I hope this information is useful.
On Wiwynn SV7210: I bought two AMD ATI Radeon HD 6450 c264 1GB PCIE DVI Display Port Graphics Cards but only one of them worked. This is a $10 video card and is quite easy to find on ebay.
The working one has this atiflash info:
2 04 00 00 6778 Caicos M25P10/c 20000 pass 113-C2641100-104
Adapter 2 (BN=04, DN=00, FN=00, PCIID=00001002, SSID=00002120)
Asic Family : Caicos
Flash Type : M25P10/c (128 KB)
Product Name is : C26411 Khalidster 900M DDR3 128Mx16 DVI+DP
Bios Config File: C2641100.104
Bios P/N is : 113-C2641100-104
Bios Version :
Bios Date is : 04/08/12 22:57
Image 1 -- Offset 0x0
ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x01D8
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x6778
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0x10000
Code revision 0x0D0C
Indicator 0x80 (last image)
Code type 0x00 (PCAT Image)
Legacy BIOS File Name C2641100.104
Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-C2641100-104
Legacy BIOS Build Number 223421
Legacy BIOS Change List 754649
Binary BIOS_IDTF 0x203119DD
ByteCheckSum 0
The non-working one has this. Actually this BIOS is newer than the other one.
2 04 00 00 6778 Caicos MX25L1005 20000 pass 113-C2641100-106
Adapter 2 (BN=04, DN=00, FN=00, PCIID=00001002, SSID=00002120)
Asic Family : Caicos
Flash Type : MX25L1005 (128 KB)
Product Name is : C26411 Khalidster 900M DDR3 128Mx16 DVI+DP
Bios Config File: C2641100.106
Bios P/N is : 113-C2641100-106
Bios Version :
Bios Date is : 07/03/12 04:04
Image 1 -- Offset 0x0
ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x01D8
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x6778
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0x10000
Code revision 0x0D0C
Indicator 0x00 (Not last image)
Code type 0x00 (PCAT Image)
Legacy BIOS File Name C2641100.106
Legacy BIOS Part Number 113-C2641100-106
Legacy BIOS Build Number 232481
Legacy BIOS Change List 788381
Binary BIOS_IDTF 0xFA000F9F
ByteCheckSum 0
Image 2 -- Offset 0x10000
ROM header contents:
Signature 0xAA55
PCIR offset 0x001C
PCI Data Structure
Signature PCIR
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x6778
PCI Revision 0x00
Image size 0xF000
Code revision 0x0000
Indicator 0x80 (last image)
Code type 0x03 (EFI Image)
EFI Signature 0x0EF1
Compression Type 0x0001 (compressed)
Machine type 0x8664 (X64)
Subsystem 0x000B (EFI boot service driver)
EFI image offset 0x006C (abs: 0x1006C)
Dump Gop Driver Info:
Machine type code X64
The GOP Driver appears to be Authenticode signed.
Size Of Gop Image 99072 (96 KB)
GOP Driver Name: AMD GOP X64 Driver Rev. 27 2012.15:35:26
GOP AMD_Build 232481
GOP AMD_CL 787816
GOP Driver contains tables
Legacy BIOS_IDTF 0xFA000F9F
The solution for me at least is to dump the BIOS from the working card and flash it on non-working one. Now both GPU's work in the Wiwynn. Question is why the newer BIOS doesn't work?