nothing fancy here, but as i use this very often, i figured i would share it.
its my auto hot key script / .ahk ( ahk is a free windows app for scripting keyboard inputs), that just takes your clipboard and types out each letter. So i use it for a "paste" into IPMI vKVM windows that im constantly using.
(ie you copy some text on your windows machine, then click on your vKVM window, and press ALT+SHIFT+V and this script starts typing what was on your clipboard, into your vkvm session). I use supermicro stuff mainly so YMMV (also works on hp ilo IME). has some other uses too like vnc when clipboard transfer is not working
the ";" lines are comments so you can delete those if you want
EDIT; if not on a local network ipmi you may need to increase the SetKeyDelay,180 (the 180 is in ms , per key sent)
its my auto hot key script / .ahk ( ahk is a free windows app for scripting keyboard inputs), that just takes your clipboard and types out each letter. So i use it for a "paste" into IPMI vKVM windows that im constantly using.
(ie you copy some text on your windows machine, then click on your vKVM window, and press ALT+SHIFT+V and this script starts typing what was on your clipboard, into your vkvm session). I use supermicro stuff mainly so YMMV (also works on hp ilo IME). has some other uses too like vnc when clipboard transfer is not working
the ";" lines are comments so you can delete those if you want
; Autohotkey ipmi paste alt-shift-v
; ^+v:: is ctrl+shift+v
; !+v:: is alt-shift-v <--- THIS ONE IS LIVE
; ctrl shift v was interfering with goog docs paste
SetKeyDelay, 180
SendRaw %clipboard%
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