hi folks,
I got this in the mail today and thought i would share some info with you. not sure if any one has talked about this, i'm only half way though the thread, joined the bandwagon very recently.
in japan we can find some tiny boxes with nec branded but obviously were manufactured by lenovo. they are basically lenovo thinkcentre/thinkstation tiny series in white/navy color way. the documents/datasheets for them are next to nonexistent. i tried to look for them but with my basic japanese level, the results were equally basic (a table with number of usb ports, ram, storage,… no infomation about mainboard chipset, no info about possible pci-e slot inside, no official inside diagrams or pictures, not even supported cpus for each model,... you know, the stuffs that people in this thread are actually interested in). newer generation is ridiculously expensive i didnt even bother to look further.
i spent sometimes look for older generation and found some more info through secondhand market (read: eyeballing the description photos to look for clues).
there are two models i know for sure that have pcie slot: mc-3 and mc-5. come with 8th (mc-3) and 9th (mc-5) gen of 35w intel cpus. the rest are either too old, weak, uninteresting (and actually inexpensive, like half the price of a raspberry pi these days) or ridiculously priced (both new and secondhand).
i was ogling them for a while and finally found a “good deal” for one so i jumped on it. the model i received today is nec mate mc-5. came with everything except storage, i was hoping it would be m920q equivalent but the the chipset is B360, so it’s m720q equivalent. a bummer but for the price i paid for it, it’s hard to actually complain.
after received the box, i cloned the os (windows 11) from p330 tiny (to save some setup time) to another drive and boot the mc-5 up, it went ahead and updated the bios from p330 (lol!), my heart skipped a beat there but it's gone smoothly and booted into windows (whew!)
here's the most detailed specs sheet i found for this particular model:
my p330 tiny has nvidia p620 laying around so decided to give it a shot. i took the ****er apart and slapped the gpu (the whole combo of riser and gpu from p330) into the mc-5, it booted right up, and the gpu was recognized no problem. so there you go, lenovo tiny 5 no doubt.
i'll attach some photos i took, nec mc-5 and lenovo thinkstation p330 tiny for anyone who's interested. feast your eyeballs
i'm planning to grab a mc-3 model at some point to see what's inside, you know, for science.
update 1 (23/09/19):
found out there's another model with pcie slot in nec mate mc line up: the mc-4
apparently people can equip it with a x2 sfp network card right out of the gate (the card showed in the photo is fujitsu branded tho [?])
added some more photos for this particular mc-4 (photos from the marketplace, not mine)
some more interesting articles about nec mc series (all japanese):
mc-3 (intel 8th gen):
NECの「Mate タイプMC(MKH24/C-3)」は本体サイズが34.5×182.9×179mm(幅×奥行き×高さ)/重量1.28kgと小型軽量の筐体を採用した企業向けデスクトップPC「Mate タイプMC」の最上位モデルだ。コンパクトな筐体ながら、デスクトップ向け第8世代CoreプロセッサのTDP 35Wモデルが搭載可能で、オプションにより、企業向けのPC運用管理技術「vProテクノロジー」にも対応できる。
mc-c (intel 12th gen):
ここのところデスクトップPCに関してはNUCタイプのものが続いているが、今回はNECの企業向けでコンパクトなPC「Mate タイプMC<MC-C>」が編集部から送られてきたので試用レポートをお届けしたい。
a mad man put an i7 6700k in a mc-u (aluminum heatsink and it didnt explode, lol)