This Aptio data sheet from AMI also states that it supports HII browser.
Those extra files only apply to IT firmware. For whatever reason MR firmware comes in firmware package (rom) file where all components are already included.
Do you have latest SM UEFI on your board? Maybe there is some kind of incompatibility between UEFI and the card. You could also try different PCIe port and see if that makes a difference.
I do have the latest SM UEFI on the x10 SRL-F board, also i just now tried moving card to a sm Xeon-D board i have (also with latest SM "BIOS" , and set to UEFI only boot mode) , same result. (also the xeond is showing HII for a nvme i have connected in the slot next to the 530-8i, see image, that HII for the nvme only shows up if i have the nvme's pcie slot set to UEFI and not legacy, which is as expected)
also setting the PCIe slot to disabled (from the 3x choices, Legacy, UEFI, Disabled)- then the card does not show up either (neither in win OS nor bios/post screen)
Correct me if im wrong, but we have yet to see or have anyone confirm that these 530-8i cards,
with the lenovo fw, does show up in the HII menus. (the only HII screenshot is from earlier in thread, with an asus mb, but the guy has already flashed to HBA 9400, as you can see in his HII screen shot).
If this no-HII stuff is accurate on the 530-8i, this may end up being important for ppl to consider b4 buying - *if* it ends up that the only way to get IR mode on these low$ 530-8i cards is by running lenovo FW.
(ie lenovo may have HII disabled, in favor of using some tool they provide on their own servers. or they have it somehow locked to only show up on their servers?). Important, as this would mean on non-lenovo boards, you can only config the card via an OS tool (like LSA/MegaRaid app), and also that you *maybe* cant boot from VDs/RAIDs created on card. we already know they pull some funny stuff re: thier own storcli not putting out debug logs until i swapped the exe with a LSI one. (but granted it is nice they have not vendor locked the 530-8i to only lenovo MBs)
(unrelated- but im about to try running some benchmarks on this card, with raid, and 7 or 8x sas3 hgst ssds. will be in a new thread but ill link to it)
on the xeonD board: