HP Thin client T630 limited ram speeds

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New Member
Apr 9, 2020
I have a t630 with a single 4gb 2666mhz ram module. I bought an 8gb 2666mhz one to supplement it and noticed they are both running at 1866 mhz and 1.5v instead of 1.2v which is the norm for ddr4. The specs sheet does say up to 1866mhz but in my experience usually these are just values available at the time. It is the first time I have seen such an aggressive upper speed cap on ram (the slowest ddr4 spec is 1600 and the fastest go above 3200).
I tested BIOS 01.11 and 01.12.

Is there a workaround? What about the 1.5v? Can others confirm this behavior?