Difficult in Canada with most companies not implementing IPV6 yet...one of the things that I see on some of the charts is IPv6 utilization...
a good thing.
Retire that HOG, pfSense FTW BABY! hahah j/k I KNOW you luv that beastI'd never checked my Zyxel USG50 for usage but under my Traffic Statistics I found it:
"since 2016-01-27 Wed 07:03:59 to 2016-02-02 Tue 18:59:32"
Sadly it doesn't let me change date ranges, so I'm assuming this is only from last power-reset.
I'd imagine there is more data in the logs someplace I can access, but likely CLI... I'll have to check into it.
vconfig = win, nice out of the box but simple config/stats good sir.Not that bad for 100/10mbps connection, 313.1GB down and 478.3GB up.Code:uptime: 21:11:34 up 29 days, 36 min ifconfig eth4.301 eth4.301 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr snip UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:534595035 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:434536245 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:336276988703 (313.1 GiB) TX bytes:513666316531 (478.3 GiB)
I do this over my DR site (which is on a VPN) + on the internal network. 10gbps transfers are far better than 1gbps@JSchuricht that is one of the reasons I tell people that local LAN backups should not be completely thrown away for cloud backups. If you ever have had to restore a ton of data from the cloud you end up with long restore times like that.
If we had that this month, there would be little room for improvement next timethis thread needs a top 10 for both top 10 in terms of most bandwidth, and top 10 in least bandwidth