Bit of an odd one today. I've had a couple of Toshiba HK3E2 enterprise SATA SSDs (model THNSNJ200PCSZ) for almost 10 years, they're only 200GB so I retired them to the Mighty Box of Old Hardware probably 6 years ago.
Today I'm putting together a W680 workstation system, and I'm still waiting for the SSDs to arrive, but I wanted to do some idle power testing and tweaking, so I figured I'd install Ubuntu Server on one of the old Toshiba drives to mess around with. The USB installer would boot, and it said it had installed fine, but it would completely refuse to boot off the SSD.
I spent rather too long thinking this was a BIOS setting error (the usual Secure Boot, AHCI, UEFI, etc. stuff that can cause headaches), until I finally looked at dmesg after the install had 'finished' and found that it was full of degradation events and CRC errors on the SATA drive.
No worries, I thought, I've got two of these drives, so I popped the other one in. Exactly the same. So now I spent more time wild goose chasing possible faulty SATA cabling, a bad PSU, etc. etc. I starting to consider RMAing the board when I decided to try it with a completely different SATA SSD, and everything worked flawlessly.
So either both of these drives have gone bad in exactly the same way just sitting on the shelf (and they were definitely both fine when I retired them), or there's some incompatibility between the W680 onboard SATA controller and these drives. At some point I'll try them in another system, but I've torn enough of my hair out for today.
Anyway, I'm really posting this just in case someone else has a similar problem in the future and does a search.