Good you are on your way.
First a warning. This can potentially brick your system. I have had one side effect. The product name disappeared from the BIOS and instead there is a text "To be filled in by OEM" It does not seam to have any impact on running the system.
I did all my testing with the main CPU off, only the BMC powered. I suggest you do the same!
If you are logged in as sysadmin you should have root access (meaning you can do anything on the system)
you should have a normal Linux prompt.
type id to confirm that you are root
sysadmin [/conf/user_home/peter]# id
uid=0(sysadmin) gid=0(sysadmin) groups=0(sysadmin),109(kvm),501(ipmi),505(lanadmin),511(serialadmin),533(SmashCLP),539(vmedia)
now you need to change to the tmp directory
cd /tmp
It is the file SKU.xml in the tmp directory that we need to edit. First list its contents with
cat SKU.xml
In this there are 3 changes to make
G431-MM0-OT to MJ11-EC0-00 in 2 places
MJ11-EC1-OT to MJ11-EC0-00 in 2 places
G431_MM0 to MJ11
The xml file is just one long row so difficult to edit with vi etc. Best is to use sed.
I just tested these commands and they worked. Note the difference of Zero (0) and the letter O
sed -i s/G431-MM0-OT/MJ11-EC0-00/g SKU.xml
sed -i s/MJ11-EC1-OT/MJ11-EC0-00/g SKU.xml
sed -i s/G431_MM0/MJ11/g SKU.xml
now you can do
cat SKU.xml
to verify that the changes have been made
The next step is to run
bmcprog WS=FULL_AREA
this will create SKU.BIN
verify that it is created
should produce a lot of garbage (it is a compressed file)
Now this file should be flashed with the following command
skurw w flash SKU.BIN
to verify you should run
rm SKU.xml
This will produce some errors but give you a new SKU.xml
verify that this has the 5 changes by doing
cat SKU.xml
If this is OK that you should now reboot the BMC. But first turn on logging in Putty, it can be good to see what happens.
reboot by simply doing
During the reboot the BMC should generate the new FanPolicy and all 3 fans should be there!
If this is not working maybe the SKU.BIN file needs to be edited. It has an embedded zipped file mysku.xml.gz
that contains the SKU.xml file. If this is the case I will give instructions for that.
If everything works out start up the main CPU and watch the sensors page in the BMCGui