Shopping around for some RAM on a new build I am throwing together. This is using an EPYC 7502(32c/64t) CPU. I understand RAM speeds affect the Infinity Fabric, and 3200 is the target for best performance, but just how much performance increase would we be talking about when comparing:
64GB LRDIMM @2400
64GB LRDIMM @3200
64GB RDIMM @3200
This is mainly for home labw/proxmox if that helps. Just having a hard time understanding just how different, say 2400 vs 3200 is with real-world performance. The 2400 speeds are roughly half the price is why I am asking.
Thanks (^_^)/
64GB LRDIMM @2400
64GB LRDIMM @3200
64GB RDIMM @3200
This is mainly for home labw/proxmox if that helps. Just having a hard time understanding just how different, say 2400 vs 3200 is with real-world performance. The 2400 speeds are roughly half the price is why I am asking.
Thanks (^_^)/