I just have finished playing with my CWWK n100 2 ethernet port version - CW-X86-P5(N100)
Few things:
It is soo tiny... hard to put usb stick with logitech dongle and hdmi cable..
I have replaced thermal paste between CPU and copper block and between copper block and casing (there was whole CPU covered in thermal paste)
BIOS has A LOT OF settings...
I have ordered on cwwk.net on 20 december, received on 28 december (Poland)
I have received pretty new bios version from 11/10/2023 and my Intel ME is not nuked
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confirming what appeared some pages ago,
Works perfectly.
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Not sure to go with PM991 or samsung 970 pro*, it has NVME 2 lanes** anyway but Im worried about dramless thing.
*Used by me, Samsung 970 pro with about 30TB read and written, from 2k18.
** It's four lanes!, cwwk item page says 2 lanes
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tl;dr: Forget about anything dramless if you consider using your SSD a little.
Proxmox installation to reboot:
PM991: 1:57
PRO 970: 1:44
From reboot counting = 0 to login prompt both SSDs: 33 seconds
ssd-benchmark and dd 1GB
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ssd-benchmark and dd 1GB
970 Pro
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ssd-benchmark tool shows that 970 pro is slower, but good old school DD shows that 10GB copy is too much for dramless resulting SATA feeling 465MB/s...
uhh, I just realised that I have got there true 4 lanes, I might go for something faster with dram, like 970 evo plus or 980 (Ya i know its 4.0)
I don't know why but with PM991 my logitech keyboard with touch pad (2in1) sometimes didn't detected my input, like some stuttering, idk.
Power consumption using included garbage power supply:
only ethernet connected
970 pro, booted up, waited few mins, idle: lets say 6,9w (was pretty frequent), bumping from 6w to 8w
970 pro, during DD write 10GB: max watts recorded: 23.4
PM991, booted up, waited few mins, idle: lets say 6,0w (was pretty frequent) , bumping from 6w to 7w
PM991, during DD write 10GB: max watts recorded: 21.2
summarizing, in idle about 1w difference, at max load 2w difference..
without any bios tweaks