The problem is that CWWK support recommend the iso for v2/v3, when the board is actually v1.
I've bitten the bullet and flashed the CW-AL-2L-V1(X86双网N100-N200-I3-N305-
V1出厂默认原始版本)2024.04.07.iso on my x86 p5 v1 (the sticker on the ram slot CWX86P5N100.11.F1) without the SSD connected, only HDMI+RAM+USB keyboard, ventoy, USB2.0 16GB stick and the iso renamed to CW-AL-2L-V1-2024.04.07.iso. And for the moment the board works fine.
Now there are 2 options:
a) CWWK warranty, in theory we all have at least 1 year, and (a big) maybe you will receive the v3 board or charge you money for the board repair...who knows.
But you can you can use this motive: the support recommended the wrong bios version and now the board is dead.
b) manually flashing with AS Programmer
If anyone needs the original bios for x86 p5 v1, I have a copy saved with sudo flashrom --programmer internal -r bios_p5.bin, and also CW-P5-ADNL-2L-V1-231110.iso (not tested).
And for everybody who have an itch, if the board works,
leave it as it is.
As a side note, this is the video I used to create the usb drive
Once again, if the board works, leave it as it is.