I have a brocade 6450 48P switch that i have had for about a year and a half now running perfectly. I was doing some troubleshooting on my network and went to reload the switch. Everything came back up except my POE cameras. I noticed that it was no longer negotiating. Reloaded again and went into Inline power, attempted to turn it off and on with no luck. I noticed that the firmware stated 0.00, I paniced a little and went to reload the POE firmware, first try failed. Reloaed and SSH'd back in and then was able to successfully load the POE firmware back, installed 100%, reloaded. Came back in and saw version 2.10. Cameras still weren't coming back on, reloaded the GUI and the firmware went 0.00 again. Am I SOL with POE now? Typing "Show Chassis" shows "Power supply 1 (NA - AC - PoE) present, status ok"/
Anything else I can try or is it dead?
Edit: I loaded the firmware, it went through a reload, firmware still shows present, everything shows as "ok" from what I can tell. But it still won't negotiate with my cameras.