Hmm, have you followed the setup and licensing guide for the 6610 to actually unlock the 10gbe ports? And followed the part of the guide that includes setting int 1/3/1 - 1/3/8 to speed 10g? I'd test a regular 10gb fiber link to something to rule something weird out firstThe x540 doesn't use SFP+ modules. The transceivers are built in. I've used it at 10Gb with my old Aruba S3500 with no issues. And using the exact same module from the Aruba in the ICX 6610 1/3/x slots (tried multiple slots), it won't connect.
I realized I hadn't tested the cable from end to end yet, so I was hoping that would be a fail, but the cable tester came back with a pass and verified I am using the correct cable at both ends.
So do they make any QSFP transceivers for copper 10Gb? I have three of the dual port Mellanox cards gathering dust I could use if I could find a transceiver for my computers end.
Edit: just saw your first post you already tested the front ports at 10gbe with fiber already, I need to not browse while half asleep. Maybe see if you can find a short cable to test a link with, and/or reboot the 6610 once the copper module has been installed