in DIAG> , ? show ,now what I can do with it, or I need returun it to seller ?
? - alias for 'help'
bcm_shell - Invoke Broadcom Backdoor
bcmscript - execute uploaded bcm script.
bypassmux - This command bypass mux mode.
cpldread - To read cpld register
cpldtest - To perform cpld test
cpldupdate - To perform cpld update
cpldwrite - To write special value to cpld register
eeprom - EEPROM dump or program command
fanread - To read fan speed and status
fantask - To enable/disable fan task for thermal policy
fantest - This test validates the fantrays can be controlled by I2C.
fanwrite - To configure DC output for all fan
fiberLbMode - This command config fiber ports loopback mode.
fluffydelay - To adjust read delay of Fluffyread
fluffyeeprom - Fluffy EEPROM dump or program command
fluffyfwupgrade - Upgrade MCU firware
fluffyintrdelay - To adjust LRM transceiver interrupt delay
fluffyioexpinit - To init IOEXP 9536 in Fluffy for debug.
fluffyioexpread - To read IOEXP 9536 in Fluffy for debug.
fluffyioexpwrite - To write value to IOEXP 9536 in Fluffy for debug.
fluffyread - Get MCU info for debug
fluffyreadonly - Get MCU info for debug
fluffystatus - To get LRM transceiver present status
fluffytoggle - To toggle EEPROM between LRM transceiver and Fluffy
fluffywrite - Set MCU info for debug
gpioinit - To init GPIO
gpioread - To read GPIO pin status
gpioreset - To reset used by GPIO pin
gpiotest - To test used by GPIO pin
gpiowrite - To write gpio pin status
help - print online help
i2clist - Display all entries of i2c device info table
i2cread - Get special i2c device id
i2ctest - Test special i2c device id
i2cwrite - Set special i2c register
intrtest - This test interrupt pins from devices to CPU
ioexpinit - To init io expanders
ioexpread - To read io expander pin status
ioexpwrite - To write io expander pin status
leddump - This test is used to dump LED processor contents
ledtest - This test validates all led.
linux_shell - Enter Linux shell for kernel layer debugbing.
memread - To perform memory read
memtest - To perform memory test
memwrite - To perform memory write
mgmt - To perform management port test
minicycle - Packets generated by CPU
nandtest - To perform NAND test
pdtest - Test Power Source config
pktTolerance - This command config packet tolerance mode.
poeafonly - set PoE in at/af mode
poecmd - transmit a SCP packet with 0x00 as the KEY
poedownload - Download firware
poeforcepw - Force power
poeprogram - transmit a SCP packet with 0x01 as the KEY
poepwshow - Show power
poerequest - transmit a SCP packet with 0x02 as the KEY
poestatus - set PoE in enable/disable
poetest - test if the PoE system is working correctly
port - Dump status or counter of all switch ports.
pseenable - Enable or Disable all PSE ports
pseoverstress - Enable or Disable PSE ports with overstress ability
qsberpara - To display QSGMII ber test parameters
qsbertest - This test is used to measure the link quality and robustness of the system.
qsbertxdrv - To set TSC-E ber test tx_driver
qsbertxfir - To set TSC-E ber test tx_fir
rtcread - Get rtc time
rtctest - test the rtc function
rtcwrite - Set rtc time
sflashtest - To perform SFLASH test
sfpIoDetection - This command sfp I/O detection mode.
sfptxdisable - To init io expanders
sfptxenable - To init io expanders
smi - PHY test.
snaketest - This test validates the QSGMII/SFI interfaces between MAC, and PHY.
swlbtest - Packets generated by CPU
swsnaketest - This test validates the MDI/QSGMII interfaces between MAC, and PHY.
syscall - Execute SysCall for kernel layer debugbing.
tempread - To read temperature
thermal_threshold - Set thermal threshold
tscberpara - To display TSC-E ber test parameters
tscbershow - To display TSC-E ber test result
tscbertest - This test is used to measure the link quality and robustness of the system.
tscbertxdrv - To set TSC-E ber test tx_driver
usb - USB test function
version - print diagnostic firmware version
voltagemargin - adjust VCC margin
voltageread - To read voltage source
voltagetest - test the margin
xsmi - PHY test.