After re-conversion image-PPC_M460EX-ppc-m460ex-20160609-202426.tgz, after image-PPC_M460EX-ppc-m460ex-20190222-075342.tgz
Starting: PPC_M460EX 3.6.1002 2016-06-09 20:24:26 ppc
Starting udev: error initializing udevd socket
Wait timeout. Will continue in the background.[FAILED]
Setting hostname localhost: [ OK ]
Checking filesystems
/dev/mtdblock7: nonexistent device ("nofail" fstab option may be used to skip this device)
/dev/mtdblock8: nonexistent device ("nofail" fstab option may be used to skip this device)
/dev/mtdblock9: nonexistent device ("nofail" fstab option may be used to skip this device)
Checking all file systems.
[ OK ]
Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode: [ OK ]
Mounting local filesystems: mount: special device /dev/mtdblock8 does not exist
mount: special device /dev/mtdblock9 does not exist
Running vpart script: [ OK ]
Applying file system skeletons: base_var base_config .
Running firstboot script ... uboot and bootsrap updates are required
Re-install updated uboot
-E- could not open device
mount: special device /dev/mtdblock6 does not exist
umount: /tmp/mnt_image_ais/ROOT_1: not mounted
*** Could not zero non-fs MTD partition /dev/mtd4
Rebooting system after uboot upgrade
-E- could not open device
-E- could not open device
usage: /sbin/ -i [-l NEXT_BOOT_ID] [-p MD5_PASSWORD] [-r] [-f {true,false}] [-F] [-E]
usage: /sbin/ -m -d BOOT_DISK [-L LAYOUT] [-l NEXT_BOOT_ID]
-i: not running at manufacture time (generally image install)
-m: running at manufacture time
-l NEXT_BOOT_ID: image location to boot from: 1 or 2
-d BOOT_DISK: (mfg only) /dev/sda or /dev/hda
-L LAYOUT: (mfg only) image layout, like STD
-w HWNAME: (mfg only) hardware name (usually optional on x86)
-p MD5_PASSWORD: MD5 encrypted password
-r: (install only) re-install the bootmgr itself (GRUB or u-boot)
-f {true,false}: enable or disable fallback reboot behavior for next boot
States are: 0=invalid; 1=active; 2=fallback; 3=manual
-F FIPS: Use this flag to add fips=1 flag for command line run
-E FIPS_DISABLE: User this flag to set fips=0 for command line run
Writes a grub.conf which use the selected next boot location,
and which contains the installed image version strings.
-E- could not open device
Generating SSH1 RSA host key: [FAILED]
Generating SSH2 RSA host key: [FAILED]
Generating SSH2 DSA host key: [FAILED]
Starting sx_low_level_if:
Loading i2c_mux_pca954x - Failure: 1
Loading sx_glue_if - Failure: 1
Loading watchdog - Failure: 1
Loading cpld_handler - Failure: 1
Loading mellaggra_mod - Failure: 1
Loading switchx - Failure: 1
Loading 8021q:[FAILED]
-E- could not open device
Error: mlxi2c failed: cant read system type
Enabling /etc/fstab swaps: [ OK ]