This definitely convinced me to pass on this. I really only wanted the motherboard and nothing else for a NAS build but for that price, I can get is cheaper by itself.The seller has removed the original listing and created two new ones.
Same configuration as original post, $550 + shipping, offers accepted:
New Supermicro 1U Half depth 10 Gb SFP+ DDR4 4c 3Ghz Turbo Low power XEON CPU | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for New Supermicro 1U Half depth 10 Gb SFP+ DDR4 4c 3Ghz Turbo Low power XEON CPU at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
With 32GB RAM included, $668 + shipping, offers accepted:
Supermicro SuperServer 5019D-4C-FN8TP - Black for sale online | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Supermicro SuperServer 5019D-4C-FN8TP - Black at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Please do not download / upgrade the Firmware UNLESS your system has a firmware-related issue. Flashing the wrong firmware can cause irreparable damage to the system.
In no event shall Supermicro be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from a firmware update.
True enough, but I'm sure that at least one or two security vulnerabilities were addressed. It is unfortunate that they don't provide a changelogSupermicro does have a big warning on the download page about that:
Did you uncheck the Preserve Configuration and Preserve SDR boxes before starting the upgrade? I was able to flash the BIOS to 1.5 and BMC to 1.73.12 without issue.Well I appear to have managed to brick the IPMI with the most recent firmware file:
I get a bunch of "undefined"s in fields now including lack of power control and no video.
I was able to resolve the BMC upgrade problems and install Proxmox via USB stick. No luck getting the SMB "virtual media" working using a Linux samba server so far, but that isn't a deal-killer for my app. Wish it supported browser-based virtual media like some other solutions though.True enough, but I'm sure that at least one or two security vulnerabilities were addressed. It is unfortunate that they don't provide a changelog
I'm a little confused, my orange/yellow port is powered and the manual does indicate it supports superdoms?Mine arrived today as well. i should have read the manual a little closer on the sata dom port. I thought it was powered, but ended up needing to use a dom with a power cable.
there's two types of inline power to satadom's. SM superdom uses one (one pin on each side of the connector: gnd, pwr). The other (older) is actually in the connector. Delock has a nice chart.I'm a little confused, my orange/yellow port is powered and the manual does indicate it supports superdoms?
Yes , please!Think we should main site review the motherboard? I have one.
I tested with both SM superdoms and the Innodisk equivalent - both worked fine. I need to dig into the manual and specs on this a bit deeper. lots of interesting looking things on this motherboard.I'm a little confused, my orange/yellow port is powered and the manual does indicate it supports superdoms?