10Gb SFP+ RJ45 100m

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New Member
May 25, 2022
My Wiitek UF-RJ45-10G-100 has arrived and I can confirm that it seems to work fine in my Solarflare SFN7322N card. What's more, it seems to run quite cool with just a 2m cable:
    Identifier                                : 0x03 (SFP)
    Extended identifier                       : 0x04 (GBIC/SFP defined by 2-wire interface ID)
    Connector                                 : 0x07 (LC)
    Transceiver codes                         : 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x40 0x04 0x80 0x00
    Transceiver type                          : 10G Ethernet: 10G Base-SR
    Transceiver type                          : FC: intermediate distance (I)
    Transceiver type                          : FC: Shortwave laser w/o OFC (SN)
    Transceiver type                          : FC: Multimode, 50um (M5)
    Transceiver type                          : FC: 1200 MBytes/sec
    Encoding                                  : 0x06 (64B/66B)
    BR, Nominal                               : 10300MBd
    Rate identifier                           : 0x00 (unspecified)
    Length (SMF,km)                           : 0km
    Length (SMF)                              : 0m
    Length (50um)                             : 80m
    Length (62.5um)                           : 30m
    Length (Copper)                           : 0m
    Length (OM3)                              : 300m
    Laser wavelength                          : 850nm
    Vendor name                               : Wiitek
    Vendor OUI                                : 00:00:00
    Vendor PN                                 : UF-RJ45-10G-100
    Vendor rev                                : 10
    Option values                             : 0x00 0x1a
    Option                                    : RX_LOS implemented
    Option                                    : TX_FAULT implemented
    Option                                    : TX_DISABLE implemented
    BR margin, max                            : 0%
    BR margin, min                            : 0%
    Vendor SN                                 : WAMZ012409X48U
    Date code                                 : 240914
    Optical diagnostics support               : Yes
    Laser bias current                        : 6.000 mA
    Laser output power                        : 0.5000 mW / -3.01 dBm
    Receiver signal average optical power     : 0.4000 mW / -3.98 dBm
    Module temperature                        : 40.68 degrees C / 105.22 degrees F
    Module voltage                            : 3.3032 V
    Alarm/warning flags implemented           : Yes
    Laser bias current high alarm             : Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              : Off
    Laser bias current high warning           : Off
    Laser bias current low warning            : Off
    Laser output power high alarm             : Off
    Laser output power low alarm              : Off
    Laser output power high warning           : Off
    Laser output power low warning            : Off
    Module temperature high alarm             : Off
    Module temperature low alarm              : Off
    Module temperature high warning           : Off
    Module temperature low warning            : Off
    Module voltage high alarm                 : Off
    Module voltage low alarm                  : Off
    Module voltage high warning               : Off
    Module voltage low warning                : Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 : Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  : Off
    Laser rx power high warning               : Off
    Laser rx power low warning                : Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   : 15.000 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    : 1.000 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold : 13.000 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  : 2.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   : 1.9952 mW / 3.00 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    : 0.1584 mW / -8.00 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold : 1.5848 mW / 2.00 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  : 0.1778 mW / -7.50 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   : 95.00 degrees C / 203.00 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    : -50.00 degrees C / -58.00 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold : 90.00 degrees C / 194.00 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  : -45.00 degrees C / -49.00 degrees F
    Module voltage high alarm threshold       : 3.6000 V
    Module voltage low alarm threshold        : 3.0000 V
    Module voltage high warning threshold     : 3.5000 V
    Module voltage low warning threshold      : 3.1000 V
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       : 1.1220 mW / 0.50 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        : 0.0199 mW / -17.01 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     : 1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      : 0.0223 mW / -16.52 dBm
Thanks all.