
  1. MultiUser

    What is the Best Compression Method (Zip, 7z, etc..)

    I am somewhat of a data hoarder. But recently I filled my 40TB NAS. It is mostly video and blender files from animation work I do. I am considering some different methods for archive purposes. I have looked into tape a little bit, but it seems like an expensive option for a home user. I also...
  2. MultiUser

    WIM for Compression? AND Backup? Thoughts?

    So I just realized that 7Zip will compress to a WIM file... and after a little bit of testing.. (Im talking very little) I have a hypothesis that WIM compression is much more effective... Both in the time it takes, and the compression level. So why arent more people using WIM as the go - to...
  3. A

    Backup storage question recommendation!

    I have a 36 drive chassis - Use case #1: store vm backup's use case #2: send backups to cloud (e.g. Wasabi etc) Looking for an o/s recommendation. - o/s or app must have a gui so I can manage the backup's ingested. - o/s or app must have...
  4. Bjorn Smith

    BackBlaze B2 real life stories

    Hi, I am considering trying BackBlaze B2 for storing my veeam compressed backup files, i.e. multi gigabyte files - some bigger than 150GB. So I wonder if anyone here have experience with B2 and can provide real statistics of the following sort: Average size of files backed up Total size of...
  5. M

    Need Advice on home server setup

    Hey, new to the forum, I currently run the following: 2014 Mac mini Lacie 5big Thunderbolt 1 - 8TB (4TB useable, 4TB for backup) Gigabit Router I use this setup to run Plex Server Wireless computer backups Wireless phone backups Wireless iTunes sync Wired Security camera recordings So most...
  6. O

    [ESX 7.0]Internet not working anymore after VeeAM backup of PFSense

    I am running a ESX 7 server with a couple of VM's. I also use vCenter and VeeAM. Running on a SM X9SRL-F, 2690V2, 192GB and and SSD at the moment. Will transfer to synology connect by a 10Gbit Mellanox (SCSI). My problem is when i create a backup of my PFSense VM, after 20 minutes (give of...
  7. J

    Software for Local Backup with UnMapped Network Drives

    So first off, sorry, I saw quite a few other threads on backup software, but I wasn't able to find anyone I needed. Sorry for adding another one. The critical feature that I'm looking for is the ability to do incremental backups to a drive on another machine on the same network, but WITHOUT...
  8. A

    Sanity Check

    Retooling my backup solution to have more space and failover potential. I have 2 1U servers left over from an older project both identical with 4 3.5" bays. I am wanting to have a somewhat large network backup target. Mainly for accessible archived storage for potential later use. I have a few...
  9. O

    One big home server or several small ones?

    Background: I have a media server that's been offline for a while. It has several disks between 1TB-3TB (JBOD) and room to add more. I built it to simply store all my CD, DVD and BrD rips. I played the files on an HTPC so transcoding wasn't an issue - but I retired the HTPC some time ago and I...
  10. N

    Apple TimeMachine support on Napp-IT with SMB shares?

    Is there any way to get Apples TimeMachine to work on Napp-IT with SMB shares (OmniOS CE)? (Any other recommended backup solutions in a Mac only environment?)
  11. M

    Home server architecture thoughts?

    In this thread, I posted pics of my recently-rebuilt home server. Now that the hardware part is done (maybe?), I'm thinking it's time to revisit the OS/software side. So I'm soliciting feedback. I don't think anything is really broken, but mostly non-optimal due to having grown up...
  12. M

    Backup to NAS and to Cloud

    hi for my company i would like to backup a folder with all client data to the QnapNAS and retain changes and deleted files like this: daily changes for 31 days monthly changes for 12 months yearly changes for 7-10 years so the folder structure should look like this: year03-month03-day02...
  13. E

    What's my best backup configuration?

    Thanks to some great help on STH, my home server is taking shape. I'd value your tuppences on how I should configure backups for a _reasonable_ degree of protection. I'm planning on using crashplan (free edition) for the back ups. For most of my media, the backup is essentially a clone of the...
  14. EffrafaxOfWug

    Windows Backups, efficiently moving VHDs

    OK... so all of the windows machines in the house back up to their own little CIFS share on my file server (linux), and then get shunted off to airgapville. This causes a problem with system images, the VHDs of which are frequently huge single files. Tools like rsync are meant to be able to do...