interesting, also interesting selection of SKU's on the amd part, I would have expected 75F3 and 7763, not 7r13 (225w tdp) when testing that generation of cpus
They are also mixing in the 8461 intel, which is 4th gen intel, against a 3rd gen amd, here the obvious choice is epyc 9474F for comparison, or 9454P
for power, the high sku intel 8461 is 300w tdp, the dual are 2x205 for 410w.. and the 7R13 at 225W.. so at watt per performance, some of the intel comes in quite bad for performance really
I really wish they would do a proper comparison for stuff like this, Ive always been with intel, but recently become friendly with AMD, for our workloads, and test clusters, and systems deployed to datacenter last 16 months, our AMD 2nd and 3rd gen (and now 4th) has been absolutly crushing our intel stuff :| both performance, and power cost.
We are not that big a company, we have genoa machines in labs. having access to 8461 lab, and not genoa lab is interesting. Not saying Intel sponsored this, but..... yeah
seems like a showcase to show off some cpu features, more than a comparison.