When packaging cpus

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Build. Break. Fix. Repeat
Feb 15, 2015
That's standard for CPUs that fit in the plastic. For reference I have a bunch of those type plastic but they only fit OLDER gen CPU (1366), I have a couple that fit 2011 v1/2 but not v3, and def. not v4. Even the trays that fit 2011-v1/2 don't fit v3/4 nicely :(

When selling I'll do low qty as @TType85 mentioned, foam on the sensitive side, then wrapped in anti-static.
When doing bulk I'll do them in trays wrapped in anti-static that's pulled TIGHT, then taped, then I put cardboard around them to keep it rigid with guaranteed 1/4" "smoosh" room, I then wrap them in 5-10 layers of bubbles, and additional cardboard ;)

Anyone who's gotten something from me knows what I mean when I say I package in layers, and well :) ha ha.
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