Last Friday it gave me a heart attack then my old DIY Freenas box(based on Gigabyte board and I3-3220T) refused to complete the boot, was stuck at AMI logo. Turns out bad USB device/port. since fixed.
I have Poweredge R200 II around which I could use, but:
a) it currently has only 8GB ram and it's using a less common unbuffered low-power DDR3 UDIMMs. - I estimate about $120 to max it at 32GB (eBay prices)
b) it only has one PCIe expansion slot - I could use it for (required) external SAS HBA, but its onboard networking is the only 1Gig, so it won't leave me room for a 10gig card.
c) its power/performance isn't great by today's standards.
One idea is to get a more modern R230 server on eBay, but their prices seem high to me. I'd rather stay under $300 for a server with at least cpu installed (memory optional), storage non needed.
Any other suggestions? My FreeNAS isn't running any jails, I don't expect any significant CPU needs at all, but I don't want to warm my basement either. Fan noise isn't an issue. One reason to look at servers in the first place is OOB (ipmi/Drac/ILO) is needed on occasion and using my Lan Spider which possible, isn't ideal.
I'd like a built-in solution.
I have Poweredge R200 II around which I could use, but:
a) it currently has only 8GB ram and it's using a less common unbuffered low-power DDR3 UDIMMs. - I estimate about $120 to max it at 32GB (eBay prices)
b) it only has one PCIe expansion slot - I could use it for (required) external SAS HBA, but its onboard networking is the only 1Gig, so it won't leave me room for a 10gig card.
c) its power/performance isn't great by today's standards.
One idea is to get a more modern R230 server on eBay, but their prices seem high to me. I'd rather stay under $300 for a server with at least cpu installed (memory optional), storage non needed.
Any other suggestions? My FreeNAS isn't running any jails, I don't expect any significant CPU needs at all, but I don't want to warm my basement either. Fan noise isn't an issue. One reason to look at servers in the first place is OOB (ipmi/Drac/ILO) is needed on occasion and using my Lan Spider which possible, isn't ideal.
I'd like a built-in solution.